Page 14 of Half Truths: Then

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“I’ll make you proud.” Another harsh blow to the front entrance has us pulling apart, my eyes flashing to Dad. “Keep them safe.”

“Even if it means someday, they’ll hate me, I’ll push them in the right direction.”

“And we’ll always be with you.” Quickly, he pulls me in for a hug. Strong and tight, but broken when the front door to our family home splinters open, the thick wooden pieces slamming against walls. Glass breaks, the sound carrying all the way to his office where we stand. “Never doubt that, my children. Your mother and I will watch over and help guide you three.”

“Why?” That’s what eats at me. Roberto told the Rossi family we’d be home and where their leaders would await their fate; just like Father asked him to. The man set up his own death on his terms knowing—seeing—the best outcome for us.

We shared the same gift, even if his was tactile. Hugging his brother gave him the answers needed.

And for some reason, Father was also able to hide the fact from me until after.

Once on the run, I witnessed the devastation on our uncle's face in a vision. Saw him set up what looked like the betrayal to his brother and brethren in a vision, one where our guards should’ve been shown mercy. That was the agreement; only the King and Queen Moore were to be harmed, yet two of our men died that day.

Women lost a brother or father and a son along with their leaders.

And all to save the Moore children. To ensure the survival of our people.

He lets out a heavy and agony-filled sigh, one of his hands rubbing the back of his neck. His stare also evades mine now, a sign he’s uncomfortable. “I don’t think this will give you the—”

“Let me worry about what I need or don’t need. Just answer, please.”

Another rough exhale, and his shoulders drop. “The Rossi and Mariano men had plans for you and your sister, Isabella. Paolo...” at his only sibling’s name, he chokes a bit “...he saw you both broken, bound, and used as pawns to kill—”

“The fae king,” I finish for him because those covens rose against us with the backing of powerful magic, yet they failed to see the blackness in the fae king’s heart. That he’d betray them before our mates joined the fight, and he has. I’m the one Larue wants. “One of the three families, the Salicios fell under Larue’s blade, all but a handful he kept to aide him, while the others to the wrath of the vampire.”

“Father’s doing.”

“Yes. He trusts King Astor but I—”

“Have no say when it comes to our mates.” I didn’t miss the venom in his tone when speaking of Gabriella’s mate. What will he say when he meets mine? Because that’s the one thing he agreed with, swore about, to those involved within the revolt. How he won their trust. Disgusting pigs, all of them. The intermingling of our bloodline with that of wolf and vampire will cause an uproar between all species, but hate will never win. Never does, because love is love and fuck anyone who thinks differently. “It’s best you learn that and quickly, Uncle. Intervene, and it won’t be the men you should fear but your own bloodline.”

Just the thought brings forth fire to my veins, and I recant veni ad me while my hand opens and fingers curl as Gabriella taught me. I can’t give and take a life, but making you feel a little of that pain and loss is different. The action catches him off guard; he pales and slams a hand on his chest while I watch.

Calm. Unaffected. Morbidly.

His life’s essence heeds my call and shifts, the small bit of aura dancing toward me.

I won’t deny that the sensation is thrilling, and a higher understanding of my sister blooms.

“Isabella,” he groans, his thin form shaking. “Please stop.”

“Prohibere.” At once, the grip I had vanished and he drops, a gasp leaving him. I kneel with him, and with the tip of two fingers raise his eyes to meet mine. “What you did was follow a direct order from your king. I’ll forgive you for that, but abandoning us is an offense I won’t overlook. You failed your brother by not helping us escape and hide, by ignoring the call to lay him and your sister-in-law to their honorable rest. Disgraceful.”

“I love you three as if you were mine.”

“Yet you closed your mouth and turned your back.” Leaning forward, I kiss his forehead. “Someday you will make amends, but not today. Not for a while.”

“Will you ever forgive me? Will Gabriella?” Roberto asks, his expression a sad mixture of culpability and despair. “Can I regain your trust in me?”

“Protect Leo with your life, Uncle.” That’s the best I can give him. The wounds are still too raw, the memories haunting me. “Don’t make me hurt you because I will not hesitate to protect my siblings and their mates.”

Let that threat stand. I know his position, and now he knows mine.

Because I’ve seen his reaction when both men come forward.

Two beasts. Mortal enemies.

A vampire. A werewolf.

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