Page 39 of Little Lies

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“But can I tempt you with anything?” At once, her skin flushes and it takes every ounce of self-control in my body not to nip her bottom lip. To taste her. “Tell me, and I’ll make it happen.”

“I’m fine.”

“Fine is the code word for ‘I’m not really okay’ so speak up.”

Her eyes flicker away from mine and toward the clock on my left, and the only reason I don’t complain is how quickly they shift back. I’m always so unlike myself around her. “What I’d like is nearly impossible to get at this time. No use in arguing, but can I FaceTime my dog instead?”

“Tell me.”


“Try me.”

“Has anyone told you before just how pushy you are?” My response is a non-caring shrug. “Ughh, fine. Pie.”


“Yes, pie.” My mouth waters at the response, my mind going straight for the sweet little slice of heaven between her thighs that I’ve yet to devour. Because I will. Not today, but I will, and it’s hard to pull myself from those dangerous thoughts when I’m hard and hungry. Her saving grace is the rough day she’s had and the hospital visit. “I want a piece of the PB&J masterpiece from the Pie Bar.”

There’s this wistfulness in her eyes as she tells me, almost as if tasting the treat, and I jerk hard behind the confines of my zipper. Such an unknowing tease. So sweet.

“Anything else?” It comes out a bit gruff, but Gabriella doesn’t pay any mind, too lost in her thoughts of dessert. “Can I get you to eat something heartier first?”

“No. Just pie.”




Gabriella’s taking a shower when I step out of the penthouse and head down to the garage, the low moan as the water meets her skin becoming almost too much to bear. She was unaware of my presence inside the guest room while I dropped off a pair of sweatpants and a soft cotton shirt for her to wear.

I also left a note atop the bed telling her I’d be right back. That my house is hers to use as she pleases while ignoring how close she was.



Motherfucking mine.

I’d wanted to give her something that would make her comfortable, and instead, I received the gift of her sighing in contentment. That blissful sound made my already-hard cock throb, pulsing in pain for the release I denied it once again.

Soon, I whisper into the empty cab of my car while driving toward the Pie Bar like the easily manipulated man she’s made me; something the beautiful woman is unaware of. Ignorant of the many ways I admire her and have for longer than she knows—I’ve wanted her since seeing the first stroke of her brush on a blank canvas.

Each new color moved something within me. I saw the world through her eyes.

Turning right onto the street where the restaurant is located, I hit the number two on the vehicle’s screen and then wait. It rings once, and then there’s a click followed by heavy breathing. “Tero.”

“Evening, sir.” There’s a small yip from his end, and the owner doesn’t sound amused. “As you can hear, I don’t have a fan as a guest but an enemy waiting to pounce.”

“He can pounce all he wants.”

“I’m already aware of being his personal chew toy.”

A bark of laughter escapes me as I pull into a parking space, putting the car in park. “She’ll want to video call him in a bit to make sure he’s okay. I’ll need you to stay awake as long as it’s necessary, my friend.”

Even though I can’t see him, I can almost imagine Tero nodding his head. “Will I be taking him into the office with me or—”
