Page 98 of Capturing Love

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I lowered my eyes. “We shouldn’t have kept it from you for so long.”

“I understand why you did. I can be a pretty shitty brother at times, and an even shittier boss.”

“You definitely keep everyone on their toes.”

Adam held back a smile. “I’m lucky to have Grayson by my side. Without him, I wouldn’t have half the success I’ve had.”

“Or any employees.” I peered up at him with a smirk.

Adam chuckled. “True.”

We continued to wander around the property talking about work, while I took photos of Luci bounding through the oak trees, over patches of snow and splashing through puddles. Adam seemed much more passionate about the family business than Grayson, and I wondered if his father could see it too. His eyes lit up every time he talked about acquiring businesses and stripping them apart, whereas Grayson preferred to build them up and watch them grow. I guess that’s what made them a good team.

I turned down a new path which led behind the six-car garage, and my eyes bulged. “Holy crap, is that a helicopter?”

Adam laughed. “Grandpa is an avid golfer, but he doesn’t care for the drive.”

“He can fly it?” I asked, with a gasp.

“God, no. He has a pilot on call.”

I screwed up my nose. “How many staff does it take to look after one person?”

“Apart from Max, Grandpa has a driver, a pilot, a chef, a nurse, multiple housekeepers and a few gardeners.”

My brow lifted. “Wow.”

“That’s nothing compared to my parents.”

I shook my head in disbelief. The more I learnt about Grayson’s parents, the more I disliked them, and clearly the feeling was mutual.

After a moment of reflection, I let out a long sigh. “They’re never going to accept me, are they?”

Adam winced. “Our parents have never been comfortable with outsiders. When you have the sort of money we do, you need to be wary of anyone new who comes into your life.”

“So, Melanie is perfect for Grayson,” I said, lowering my eyes.

“Mel is a nutcase, but yes, she comes from good stock.”

“You make her sound like a prized cow.”

Adam chortled. “I have heard her described that way.”

“If she’s such ‘good stock’, why don’t you marry her?”

His eyes went round. “Me? Marry Mel? Hell no, I’m never getting married. In my opinion, it’s an archaic ritual. Why settle with one woman, when I can have many? Plus, I’m married to my job. I don’t need, or want, the distraction.”

I glanced up at him. “And your parents are happy about that?”

“As long as their bank balance is going up, they’re ecstatic. I made it clear to them early on I have no intention of giving them grandchildren, so that’s on Gray.”

“Perhaps you just haven’t met the right girl yet,” I said with a shrug.

“I don’t believe in ‘the one’ bullshit. That’s just for lazy fuckers who don’t get laid as much as I do. I’m perfectly content with my life the way it is.”

I laughed at his frankness. He won’t even see her coming.

When we walked into the mud room an hour later, urgent voices erupted from deep within the house. My worried gaze shot to Adam, who left to find the source, and I hurried after him until he came to a standstill at the open doors of the parlour. I sidled up beside him to watch the scene unfold.
