Page 108 of Capturing Love

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“He’s replaceable,” he said with a shrug.

“Everyone is replaceable.”

His hard gaze didn’t budge from mine. “Not everyone. Not you.”

I looked away as my breathing shallowed. “This is ridiculous. I should go,” I muttered, preparing my escape. He wasn’t going to make this easy.

Avoidance was my only defence against Grayson. If I didn’t see him, I didn’t have to look into his warm hazel eyes, or notice how the right side of his smile hitched a little higher than the left, or have my heart skip every time I heard his voice. I could just pretend like nothing happened between us and move on. Who am I kidding?

“I came by your apartment yesterday. Twice actually.”

“You shouldn’t have,” I grumbled.

“You have to let me explain what’s going on,” Grayson said, taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes. “But it has to be in person. I can’t do it over the phone.”

“If it’s to clear your conscience, I’m not interested.”

Grayson rose from his chair. “Josie, about the engagement, it’s all—”

Adam stepped into the room, clearing his throat to announce his arrival. “Dad’s on his way up, Gray. You need to wrap this up.” His eyes darted to mine and then back to his brother.

Grayson’s eyes bulged. “What is he doing here?”

A shiver rolled over my body. William Harlow was the coldest man I’d ever met and he gave me the innate urge to run and hide.

“He says he wants to check on a few things,” Adam replied.

“Since when is he interested in…” Grayson’s gaze panned to mine. “Fuck.”

A line formed between my eyes. “What?”

“Josie, you need to go back to your office.” Grayson’s voice was gruff and full of warning.

I let go of a little chuckle. “Oh, but I wanted to say hi.” My voice dripped with sarcasm as I left his office, shaking my head at my abrupt dismissal.

“Does she know what’s at stake here?” I overheard Adam ask before closing Grayson’s door behind me.

My brow furrowed as I returned to my desk. At stake? What the hell is he talking about?

Before I had a chance to analyse his words, William Harlow III strode down the hallway with Linda fussing at his side. Adam stepped out of Grayson’s office to greet his father and guided him towards his office, while Grayson held my gaze through the glass. Lowering his tired eyes, he trailed after them.

For the next hour, Amy and I threw each other worried glances as their muffled argument travelled down the hallway. I couldn’t understand what was being said, but whatever it was, it left an unsettled feeling in my gut.

My computer chimed and broke the tension. It was group message to all staff.

P. WALLIS: I know it’s short notice, but I’m having goodbye drinks tonight @ The Edge. I hope to see you there.

Why would he want me there? I’m the reason he was fired.

The computer chimed again, but this time it was from Amy.

A. MITCHELL: You going?

I wasn’t ready to face him. The guilt was too much.

J. SPENCER: I’m not feeling up to it. Tell Pete I’ll call him in a few days.

A. MITCHELL: Totally understand *sad face* Hope you’re ok.

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