Page 47 of Naomi

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“My favorite,” Naomi murmured. “To new friends, and new adventures.”

He lifted his glass to hers, smiling at her for using his toast from last night.

Soft music began to play through unseen speakers, and Gage piled delicacies onto his plate, trying to distract himself from wondering how he could possibly get through this night without claiming his mate.



After the meal, Naomi clung to Gage’s shoulders, laughing as he spun her around the ballroom.

Between the dress, the beautiful setting, and the gorgeous man who held her, she felt like a princess in one of the holo-films she had watched over and over again as a child.

Is this what it would be like to be his mate?

Oddly, he seemed as impressed by the evening as she was. But that made no sense. If he could afford the Center, he could afford evenings like this one as often as he liked.

Maybe he was one of those eccentric types, who preferred to hoard his wealth without spending it.

The music swelled and Gage spun her out and then pulled her back into his warm arms, dipping her close to the floor.

She blinked up at him, wondering if he would kiss her now.

You can’t kiss him. You can’t do anything until you tell him the truth.

She closed her eyes, and he pulled her back up with a flourish as the song ended.

“I think it might be time to get some rest,” he said, his voice dark.

His eyes were on the massive windows and the starlight bathing the lawn outside.

Though of course it could have been any time of day. Oberon could make the sky look however he wanted.

Was he angry with her for resisting his kiss?

Or was he desperate to bring her home? So aroused he couldn’t even look at her.

The idea made her belly coil with tension.

“The carriage is waiting,” Oberon said softly.

Gage turned from the window and strode toward her, offering her his arm again.

She took it and they took their leave of the ballroom, descending the handsome curved staircase to arrive again in the great entry hall where they had come in.

“Thank you for your visit,” the butler droid said.

“Thank you,” Naomi replied.

Gage nodded his head.

Outside, the horses tossed their heads, inky manes swirling in the air.

Athena trotted up from her resting place, looking content.

Naomi wondered what the dog thought about their evening. The beautiful animal seemed to trust her surroundings more than when she first arrived.

But she was no more inclined to acknowledge Naomi’s existence than before. Instead, she trotted right past her and around the back of the carriage to get to Gage’s side.
