Page 28 of Montana Storm

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“When you—” I took a breath before I said the next thing. “When you pushed me away, and then I didn’t see you, I questioned everything. And I decided I was going to try to move on. I told Evelyn.”

He winced. “Is she planning my murder?”

“No.” I hit him lightly on the arm. “She was sad but wanted what was best for me. She’ll be over the moon now.”

“Lena.” Jude tilted my face to his, keeping his hand where he could just brush my lips with his thumb. And there was something so hot about it, I was nearly distracted. “I know I hurt you. And I made you wait. If moving on is what’s best for you—”

“I said I was going to try. It didn’t fucking work. If anything, I only thought about you more.”

A pure, genuine smile cracked across his face. “That shouldn’t make me happy.”

“No, it shouldn’t.”

He moved, rolling over me so fast I blinked and he was above me, weight settling between my hips. He was hard all over again, and now conversation was the last thing on my mind.

“We’ll take it slow.” I gave him a look, and he smirked before kissing me. “Slow-ish.”

“What does that mean for tonight?”

“Mmm.” The sound flew straight south, lighting up my body as it went. “It means I’m going to start my exploration.”


“Trust me, Lena,” Jude locked eyes with me. “I’ve been fantasizing about you for years. It’s going to take more than one night for me to explore your body.” He placed a kiss between my breasts. “I plan on learning every inch of you.”

He raked his fingers down my ribs, and I arched into his hold. Being memorized? I couldn’t say I minded that.

* * *

Heavy warmth was what I woke to. My back was pressed against Jude’s chest, and I had no confusion about what was different or wondering why there was another body next to mine. It was clear and right—like we’d been waking up together for years.

My alarm was chirping somewhere in my clothes on the floor.

“Good morning.” Jude’s already deep voice was rough with sleep.

“Good morning.” I smiled over my shoulder at him. “No nightmares for you.”

Behind me, he brushed my hair over my shoulder and kissed the back of my neck. “Having you close must have chased them away.”

“I would like to sleep in all day and stay here with you, but I can’t.” I sighed, stretching.

“It’s a good thing we have more than one day, then, isn’t it?”

My stomach tumbled into butterflies.

I was with Jude. Together.

That he was here was hard to wrap my head around, but I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. I went with cute but comfortable for the day. I wasn’t trying to seduce Jude the way I had the other day. But I still appreciated the look when he saw me in leggings and a shirt that slipped off my shoulder.

“You sure you have to work?”

“I do,” I said with a pout.

Watching Jude get dressed was both a wonder and a crime. All those lean muscles were even more delicious in the clear morning light, but their disappearing was a damn shame.

“I’ll drive you to the bakery and get one of the guys to help bring Bessie over later.”

“Thank you.”
