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The doorbell rang and I actually jumped. I was lighting the candle for the table and then second guessing it. Was it too much? Do kids like candles? It became quite clear that I knew nothing about kids, and I was still amazed that Frank had done this by himself all these years. He was maybe a year older than me. I didn't even think it was a full year. The idea that he had taken on such a big responsibility at such a young age made me respect him even more.

The moment of truth had arrived and when I opened the door, I was pleasantly surprised to see a big smile on Caroline’s face. She had some cookies that she wanted to bring. She told me that she made them herself and I didn't get any of the attitude that I thought I would. I had seen movies where kids and the new love interest did not work out. I was glad that it didn’t seem to be that sort of situation. I was hopeful that it stayed that way.

Caroline was an absolute dream. I had expected so much different, but I should have known better. I should have known that Frank was going to be a good father. I had really gotten that vibe off of him and after having dinner with her, I knew it to be true.

She was most impressed that I knew how to cook. Apparently, Frank didn't cook much at all and if he did, it was to burn something. It made Frank actually turn a little red in the face and I have to say, that it was probably the most adorable thing I'd seen in a very long time.

It wasn't just Caroline that I was watching. I couldn't take my eyes off of Frank and the way he acted with her. He was usually so gruff and short. He had a temper, and even though he did talk to me sweetly, I had seen him talk to other people in a very different way. But with Caroline, he was really gentle and used kid gloves. It was so nice to see such a strong man able to soften up for the women in his life. I knew that I wanted to be one of them.

The evening ground to an end sooner than it usually did. Caroline had school in the morning, and they left about eight. I wished more than anything that they could stay, Frank could be with me, but that was going to take time. The sooner he felt comfortable to ask me to marry him, the better it would be.

I was settlingin for the night. The dishes were done and the good feeling that was left from the dinner was still with me. I heard a knock at the door and the first thing I thought about was Frank. Was he here? Was he able to get away for a little while after she went to sleep?

Anticipation was the only thing that I felt as I waited a moment. How badly did I want him? It was rather disgusting if it wasn't reciprocated completely. I had never been so out of touch with the rest of the world. It was like Frank was the only thing that mattered. That was a dangerous feeling.

I was on the couch watching a movie and finally yelled that the door was open. Truthfully, I just wanted a minute to fix my hair, because I'm sure I looked a mess. I had taken my makeup off for the night and my hair was down. I didn't have much in the way of pajamas, just an old T-shirt.

Frank popped his head into the living room, and he instantly had a small smile on his face.

“You really shouldn't just let somebody in. What if it hadn’t been me?”

“You're the only one that would be here in the middle of the night, Frank. You never did like to stick to the rules, and it looks like nothing has changed. At least you get to come through the front door now.”

“Do you know how long it has been since I have snuck into this house?”

I agreed that it had been a while and we both were quiet for a time. Both remembering the old times and here I was trying to figure out if there was going to be new times for us. I wanted to believe that there would be. I had effectively relocated to a small town in the middle of nowhere for him. It was definitely going to make it harder to accomplish what I wanted to in my career. All of a sudden, I was willing to pick up a young girl that needed a stepmother.

“It's been awhile. I never would have guessed that we would be here now. All that time so long ago. Who would have known that it was going to change everything?”

“It hasn't changed everything yet, Amber, but I really want it to.”


He agreed. I started to get this trickle up the back of my neck and the hairs were standing up. It was like all of a sudden, I knew it was going to happen. I knew that this was going to be the moment that he was going to ask me to marry him and it was going to be the same moment that I told him yes.

Frank was getting something out of his pocket, and my heart was beating hard and my throat suddenly had a knot in it. I was just so sure that he was going to ask me, that when he pulled something else out, I was a little disappointed.

“I was hoping that you would be able to help me with this.”

It was a piece of paper and I was a little bit confused. I had been thinking of something so different.

It was math. A page of math. I must have looked a little crazy because he was quick to tell me that it was some of Caroline's math homework, and he hadn't been able to help her.

“Are you serious?”

“Well, I remembered that you said you are really good at math, and you have to understand that this has taken a lot for me to come here and ask you. But, could you help me with this?”

I actually laughed because I was just so shocked. It was not at all what I expected and after getting over the initial jolt of it all, I agreed that I would help him.

He had this grin on his face when I looked up after a minute. He was holding the box and I could feel my face burning a little bit.

“That was a bit of a disappointment, wasn't it?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I know that you saw the ring.”

“How did you know?”
