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Iwas not able to sleep when I got back to my room. I wanted to, I really did. It had been a long evening and now it was early in the morning. I had a job thing early that I had to go to. Father had set it up, and it wouldn’t be acceptable for me to miss it or be late for it. It would not only be rude to the guy that was taking the time to meet with me, but it would also waste father's time and embarrass him. That would be the worst part, so I knew that I had to make sure that I was present.

After Nick got his hands on me, though, I don't know if I was ever going to be able to sleep again. He had been quite clear about what I had done to him by the two of us not finishing what we started. It sounded horrible, painful, and I genuinely felt bad about it. But I didn't feel that bad about it, either. It didn’t make sense.

When I got to the breakfast table the next morning, my mom wanted to know why I looked so rough. She asked just like that, too, because apparently when a person has enough money, they don't need tact anymore.

“I just didn't sleep very well.”

“I thought you had a good night? It seemed like it when Nick was here.”

I didn't want her to know why I was feeling so tired. She wouldn't freak out like dad did, but she lived by her set of rules, and I didn't know where she would fall in that category. Something told me that she wouldn't be too bothered by it, considering that she had been trying to set me up with a boyfriend for a very long time now.

“I did, it's still just a lot to take on. This still isn't my home and it's going to take some time for me to adjust.”

“Do you think you will adjust?”

If she would have asked me that same question a week ago, I probably would have told her no, there was no way. I couldn't even fathom it. It was just so far out of the realm of possibility, something I’d never thought about before.

It didn't change the facts, though.

“Surprisingly, I think I just might. This place kind of sneaks up on you, doesn't it?”

Anna agreed and I wondered then what made her like the place so much. Why was she saying so many good things about Montana? What made her agree to come live out in the middle of nowhere, with no society in sight?

The reason for me was pretty simple. It was Nick. What was her excuse?

I didn't even get through breakfast before my father came in and he of course had some questions about Nick. I knew that they were coming from him. He always was very interested in my love life. They both were and I had to wonder why. Maybe it was because I didn't have a love life. I don't know. What I did know was I didn't want them to be a part of it.

“So, what can you tell me about Nick?”

I shrugged. My father didn't want to know about his personality. He didn't even want to know about his prospects for the future. He was probably more worried about present deals that were in the making. My dad always wanted to jump in on deals, whether he was invited or not. Anything that made him a little bit of money, he was going to jump in.

I shot my mother a look and tried to get her to take my side. We looked a lot alike and she had the same expression on her face that I knew was mirroring my own. We both got sick of hearing about business. Mom didn't care how he made his money, just that she was able to spend it.

“Dear, Betty doesn't want to talk about that. She just met the boy. Can't you see that she's still embarrassed to talk about him yet?”

“You just met him, well of course you just met him. We haven't even been here a week.”

I had to agree with the sentiment. We hadn't been here long, but that was all it took. I, of course, didn't say that, though. My father wouldn’t have understood, and I don't know if I liked to be saved by mom. It was a foreign feeling and I was not sure how I was supposed to react.

Thankfully, I was saved from having to have any more conversations like that for the day. Nick was at the door for me, and even though I was a little skittish around him at the moment, I knew that if he was here, there was no way I was going to stay where I was. I pushed him out of my way just so I could get out of the house.

It wasn't until I was out there that I realized I wasn't even dressed. I had some shorts on and a tank top from when I was sleeping. He looked at me a little strangely. “Aren't you cold?”

The way Nick was looking at me and the temperament from talking to my parents, I probably wasn't too cold. I knew that I would be soon. The air was definitely colder here in Montana and as it got later in the season, I knew that I was going to start experiencing the weather that I had been warned about. That was definitely something I wasn't looking forward to.

“Not too bad. What's up?”

“What are you doing today?”

I shrugged. “I don't know yet. Did you have something in mind?”

I did have something to do. I was supposed to go to a couple of business meetings, but with the way things were going and how hard they were pushing me, I decided that I was going to flake on him. It didn't even really matter what the job was. If it was a job that my dad had to get me, I didn't want it. I would much rather work for less because of my own merit, than to have an inflated salary because of who my dad was. I had no intentions on riding his shirt tails.

“I did. Why don't you get dressed and wear some good shoes?”

“What are good shoes? What is that supposed to mean?”

He wouldn’t give me anymore of a clue of what we were going to do and I just snuck back in to my room, grabbed some clothes and good shoes, and agreed that I would meet him in front of his place very soon. I wanted to just run away for a while, forget about everything, and Nick was great at that. I was falling for him, I knew I was, and for some reason, I had a feeling that our next date was going to make me fall harder than before.

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