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I asked her if she wanted to take a ride and it looked like she was going to tell me no. She had a good reason of course, because she wasn't even dressed, but instead she agreed, and I wasn't going to try to talk her out of it. I really just wanted to spend time with her.

“Where are we going?”

I told her that I didn't know. “Is there anywhere in particular you want to go?”

“I really want to go swimming. I know that sounds silly, but I'm really going to miss the water and California.”

“Well, how about an inground pool? It's quite big and heated. It would be nice and refreshing.”

She liked the sound of that, and I liked the idea of seeing her in her skivvies. When she wanted to know why we were still leaving in the car, I told her that I had a friend who had a better pool and I thought it would be better for us. The truth was, that I wanted to get her away from her house and away from anything that was going into making her feel like we shouldn't be together. I wanted to get her out of her comfort zone and make her see what I could already see myself. There was something going on between the two of us and we owed it to ourselves to see what it was. I firmly believed that.

She agreed and it was one of the things that I liked about her. She was just so laid back about everything. Most girls would want to know everything, down to the most miniscule detail, but not Betty. She just went along with it like she believed that everything was going to be okay.

I don't even know if it was going to turn out that way, but I knew that any time that we spent together, would be worthwhile in my mind.

When we gotto my friend Jeffrey's house, I knew that there wouldn't be any lights on at the house. He was on vacation with his parents and they wouldn't be back for several more days. That meant that we had the house and the pool to ourselves. Nobody around to sidetrack us and no one around to make her overthink anything. I didn't want Betty to decide that the two of us being together wasn’t a possibility.

Betty was impressed with the pool and she only hesitated for a moment before she started taking off her clothes.

I must have given her a certain kind of look because she asked me if I was going to do the same thing.

I started to take my shirt off and I could feel her eyes on me. It wasn't the first time a girl had checked me out obviously, but she was really checking me out, and it made me a little self-conscious, something I never saw myself feeling before.

When I got the rest of my clothes off besides my underwear, I was able to look at her again and see that she was down to just a bra and panties. They were sheer, letting me see a little sneak peek and I don't know if that was on purpose or not, but it certainly felt like it. She was making it impossible to focus on what was going on. I was focused on her jiggling tits and long legs. It felt like what I was supposed to be looking at.


“You really got to tone it down a little bit. You go a bit overboard.”

“That's because you still think that I'm joking around. I'm not. I don't think I've found anybody as beautiful as you in a very long time. You're a rare gem here in Montana. I have a feeling that you're a rare gem no matter where you are.”

“I have a feeling that you have gotten into a lot of girl’s panties by talking that way.”

I really was being serious, but things that she said and the way that she said them, made me laugh. It was like she didn't know how pretty she was. How was that even possible? How could she go even a day without knowing the desire that people had for her? To me, it was pretty basic. Any woman like her was going to attract all men. Right or wrong, good or bad. Betty was a universally beautiful woman and I couldn’t stop saying it.

We got into the water and although it was a little cold at first, I changed the temperature and made us both a little bit more comfortable. She didn't immediately come toward me. She was a little skittish, actually, and I finally had to say something, because it looked like she was ready to run off.

After awhile though, she came a little closer and there was a playful smile on her face. “You like swimming, don't you?”

“Well, I am a cancer. I just do better in water. When I was little, you'd have to basically drag me out of the lake. Anytime I got a chance, I was there.”

“You should get one. There isn’t too many lakes around here that are going to be the same. Definitely not any ocean.”

“I do need one of these.”

“I know a guy when you're ready.”

“I bet you know a lot of guys. Everyone at the bar seemed to know who you were.”

I agreed and I was still wondering to myself how in the world this was going to work.

She was now so close to me that I couldn't help but pull her into my embrace. She felt so good in my arms and it was one of those feelings where I knew that this was what I was supposed to be doing. This was how I was supposed to feel. It felt like home when she was in my arms.

I leaned down for a kiss and she immediately responded, telling me that I was not completely off my rocker to think that she would want to have more of a relationship that we had at the moment.

After a minute, though, she pulled me away and I heard myself growling at her. I just wanted her so badly and I knew that no matter what, I would play it out as long as I had to. I wasn't above doing what had to be done, even if that meant I would have to wait until my balls were blue.

“You know you're killing me, right?”

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