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Betty gave me this unsure look and finally agreed. If I didn't know any better, I would think that she thought I was going to jump out at her at any moment. She was not reacting at all the way I was used to. Women usually didn't respond in such a way. Usually it was a lot better.

Most of the time, all I had to do was look at them in the right way and I basically got whatever I wanted. I know that probably made me spoiled or something, but I had certainly never given a woman a kiss like that and not had her underneath me five minutes later. Even being upright and dressed right now with Betty was different than what I was used to.

Since it was obvious that she was nervous, I wanted to cool things out a little bit because I didn't want to move too fast. With most women that wasn't even a real thing, but like I had known when I had first met her, there was something drastically different about Betty. She was not like anyone that I had met before and that was certainly a good thing. It was also a frustrating situation, though.

We went to the makeshift bar and ordered a couple of drinks. Her eyes were steadily scanning the room. Who was she looking for?

I finally asked her as much and she said that she just wanted to introduce me to her parents, so that she could say that she had come with a friend.

“Trust me, if you knew my parents, you would know why I want them off my back. You would do it, too.”

“How so?”

“You’re who they want me to be with.”

I grinned and then smiled a bit bigger. Maybe I was making this more complicated than it had to be.

“Are you sure you don't want to show me around? Maybe we will see them while we are looking around.”

Again, I got this strange look from her, and she finally just shrugged her shoulders like it didn't matter one way or another. I would have given anything to have known what was going through her mind. What made her look that way?

I kept thinking to myself, this is it. This is when she finally invites me up to her bedroom and we get better acquainted. It didn't seem like that long since I had met her, but I think it was the longest time I had been around a beautiful woman that I wanted and not put my hands on her. It was a bit of a feat on my side, although I knew that most people wouldn't see it that way.

We walked around and it was a big house, just like the one that I was living in. There were a lot of people there that I recognized, and I had to say hello to a few as we went around.

“You know everybody here, don't you?”

I shrugged. “I guess so. I don’t really think about it. I've lived here most of my life and as you can see, it's not L.A. There's not near as many people here in Montana, so you get to know everyone quicker. You’ll see. You’ll like it here, once you get used to it. We might not have all the beaches and stuff, but we definitely have ways to have fun.”

Because she barely looked at me and just kind of nodded her head, I was stumped. Again, I was not getting the reaction that I was hoping for. I was hoping for a lot more giggling and hair flipping. Betty given me those eyes again, indicating that she wanted more. That, in reality, was all I was waiting for, and I was still so convinced that it was going to come, because what else could possibly happen?

We got up to her room and instead of going in, showing me around, maybe sitting on the bed and patting the side next to her, Betty just stood by the doorway. “This is my room.”

Betty started to walk away, and I asked her where she was going.

“You wanted a tour, so I'm showing you the rest of the house.”

I shook my head and told her that I had seen enough of it. “I am not interested in the rest of it, Betty. Just here. Just you.”

She started to walk away, and I grabbed her hand, pulling her towards me. She almost fell against my chest and naturally the next thing I wanted to do was kiss her again. I was still feeling the kiss from before and wanted to make it even better than that. The curvy body that I had been admiring for the last hour was now pulled hard against me, and I could feel every soft line of her. Her hips and her breasts remained pressed against me tightly.

Pushing her up against the door that was still standing open going to her room, I kissed her with all of the passion I could muster. I was so afraid that we were going to walk away from here and that was it. I had never thought that it would even be an issue of mine. I had never had to convince someone before. A lot of times they were the ones that was convincing me. But like everything else, it would appear that Betty was massively different than the girls I was used to. I don't think it was an L.A. thing, either. I think it was a Betty thing.

After a minute, I was ready to push on and my hand started to go underneath her shirt, pressing up against her and making her gasp. I thought the sound was a good one, until she pushed me back and was having to put effort into catching her breath. Once again, not the reaction I was looking for.

“We shouldn’t be doing this. We should get back to the party.”

She pushed back against my chest again and immediately walked away. I was left hard and devastated, trying to figure out why my usual wasn't working. It worked for everyone else. Why wouldn't it work for her?

After a time, I was able to pull myself back together and rearrange my pants so that I could go back out into the party without causing too much of a scene. I didn't chase after her, but I did catch up to her. I stopped her for a moment, before we got back to the main room.

“I wasn't trying to offend you or anything. I'm sorry, I just got the idea that you wanted...”

I couldn't even finish the statement because I was so damn embarrassed. It has been a long time since I was left fumbling like this. Years maybe, high school was the last time that I remembered feeling this way. A humbling experience for sure.

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