Page 5 of Lawyer

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“Get the fuck off me, man.”

Silas gives his wrist another twist and Lucas cries out, drawing the attention of the people around us. I stare at my lawyer, my mind blank, not knowing where he came from or how he even knew where to find me. Even worse, as I watch him manhandling Lucas, I feel a warmth explode in my belly and spread through my body as fast as a California wildfire. I’m not the sort of girl who is aroused by violence. I abhor violence. But something about watching the way Silas has stepped in to protect me has my body quivering and every nerve ending feeling like it’s on fire. My cheeks flare with heat and I know they’re bright red as I realize I’m dripping wet.

As if sensing my eyes on him, Silas gives Lucas a hard shove. He stumbles backward and bumps into a table. The empty glasses that were sitting on the tabletop shatter with a high-pitched ring when they hit the ground and the disgruntled grumbling of the patrons fills the air. Lucas isn’t one who likes to be pushed around though and he snarls then launches himself forward. Silas is ready for him though and as Lucas’ throws a wild haymaker, my lawyer casually deflects it before it’s able to land.

Lucas’ head snaps backward and I hear the crunch of his nose giving way beneath Silas’ fist. He stumbles back and falls on his ass with a loud grunt, his face a ghastly crimson mask as the blood flows from his nose like a river. Laughter and annoyed shouting from the patrons rises in volume and as Silas takes a menacing step forward, Dale’s bouncers step in.

“That’s enough,” Maury, one of the largest men I’ve ever seen, says.

Silas puts his hands up and takes a step back. My heart is racing, and my stomach is churning as he meets my gaze. I dab my damp palms on the half-apron around my waist and offer him a small smile. His face remains stony and unflinching as he allows Maury to escort him out of the bar. Fighting is a big no-no in the bar and Dale has a zero-tolerance policy for anybody who breaks that rule.

Lucas is helped to his feet by Cody, the other bouncer, and he too, is escorted from the premises. As he goes though, he shoots me a withering glare that sends a flutter through my heart. This isn’t over for him. As the realization sinks in, my legs shake so hard, they almost give out under me and all the warm, inappropriate feelings that had flooded my body just a moment ago flee, fear flooding in to fill the void. Though Silas undoubtedly thought he was helping me, he made the situation a lot worse.

“Aria,” Dale snaps. “My office. Now.”

I spend the next half hour in Dale’s office explaining what happened. My voice quavering as I tell the story, and I know he’s this close to firing me. As bad as my situation is, it would be ten times worse if I lost this crappy job. Thankfully, he backs off and seems to understand the fight wasn’t my fault and I was just caught in the middle of something that I didn’t start. I was an innocent bystander. Sort of. He does tell me to go home for the night and to come back drama-free and ready to work for my next shift. All in all, it could have been worse…a whole lot worse.

After getting my things from my locker, I quickly change out of my skimpy uniform then head for the back door to clock out for the night. My hand is shaking so wildly, I have trouble getting my timecard into the clock. I glance at the door and try to muster up a little saliva as I lick my lips. My pulse is racing, and my palms are damp again as I reach out to open the door, not knowing if Lucas is on the other side, ready to jump out like a jack-in-the-box from hell.

Clenching my jaw, I open it and step out into the crisp evening air. A soft breeze cools my hot skin, and my heart beats drunkenly in my chest. I feel rooted to my spot for a moment, unable to move and it takes a Herculean effort to take a step. My movements are stiff and wooden as I walk slowly and haltingly into the parking lot and a sharp squeal bursts from my throat when the heavy steel door slams shut behind me.

He’s leaning against a charcoal gray Maserati Levante, his arms folded over his massive chest. He’s brushed his short, neatly styled sandy blonde hair, and his crystalline blue eyes seem to see right through me, sending a cold chill sweeping through my body. The color of his slacks match his car, as does the vest he’s put on since leaving the bar. His blood red tie is back in place and the sleeves of his white dress shirt are rolled up, showing off his taut, corded forearms.

Silas Gable is a stunning man who cuts an imposing figure. And just looking at him makes my mouth grow dry while other parts of my body become well lubed. Seeing him in action inside the bar made me feel something I haven’t felt before and I don’t know yet if I should be disturbed by it. Just the memory of him beating Lucas to a pulp sends fire racing through my veins and makes me quiver in the most delicious yet inappropriate ways.

I shake my head and try to slow my pulse. He’s my lawyer. Nothing more. He can’t be anything more than that. He’s working my case pro bono which means that all I am to him is a charity case. That’s something I need to remember. Something I need to hold on to. Reminding myself that I’m a charity case and repeating it like a mantra should help drive out these other thoughts and feelings.

“Wh—what are you doing here?” I ask.

“I’d say I was saving your ass.”

His voice is a deep rumble that washes over me like the sound of distant thunder. I feel the vibration of his voice deep in my bones and it fills me with a warmth that’s somehow pleasant and uncomfortable at the same time.

I lower my gaze and nod. “I guess you did.”

“Who was that?” he asks.


Silas lets out a frustrated breath. He opens the passenger side door and gestures to me.

“Get in,” he says.

“I don’t think we—”

“Get in,” he repeats, his voice hard.

“Wh—where are we going?”

“For a drive.”

“I don’t know if—”

“Get into the goddamn car, Aria. Now.”

He speaks firmly but not unkindly. And there’s something almost magnetic in his voice that draws me forward…that compels me and I find myself moving toward his car without consciously meaning to. The man has a gravitational pull all his own. And as I slide onto the soft leather seat and meet his icy blue gaze again, I’m uncomfortably aware of just how wet my panties are and how quickly my heart is pounding in my chest.

“Where are you taking me?” I ask.
