Page 35 of Lawyer

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“No, I don’t imagine you are,” Doug replies. “And that’s why we need you to come back, Silas. We need you to help right the ship. I’ve sent you our proposal with all the perks and benefits you’ll get…along with the fast track to a partnership—”

“See, that’s the problem, Doug. I shouldn’t be on a fast track to a partnership,” he says. “I’ve got nothing left to prove to you or anybody else. I should have been a partner over Daniel. And had you guys not screwed the pooch so badly, we might not be having this conversation right now.”

As if he senses my presence, Silas swivels around in his chair and when his eyes land on me, he gives me a wide, warm smile. Doug is going on about something but I’m not really paying attention. All my focus is on my husband. Even after a year, he still makes me feel weightless. My stomach churns and my heart flutters.

“Okay, Doug. I need to get going,” Silas says. “You have a good day now. I’ll probably talk to you again in a couple of weeks.”

Before Doug can reply, Silas disconnects the call. “Well, hey there,” he says.

“Hey yourself,” I reply. “Your bimonthly call already?”

He grins. “They offered me a Porsche this time.”

“A Porsche, huh? That’s impressive.”

“Not really. It’s a car. I can get my own car,” he says. “How were classes today?”

“Good. Nothing exciting, but good,” I reply. “And how was your day?”

He nods. “Good. Picked up another couple of clients who need a good attorney on retainer,” he says. “We need to get your law degree as soon as possible so you can start lightening the load around here. So many clients might start cutting into our social time.”

“And we can’t have that.”

“No, we can’t,” he replies with a suggestive grin.

I walk over and straddle him in his chair then lean forward and kiss him. He runs his fingers through my hair as our tongues swirl languorously around one another. Feeling his cock growing stiff beneath me, I grind myself against it. The feel of him so hard and pressed to me sends currents of volcanic heat rushing through me, which only makes me grind against him even harder. Silas’ hands find my ass and he gives it a firm swat, making me groan. My hunger for him is making me dizzy.

“I’ve been waiting all day to do that,” I say.

“I’ve been waiting all day for you to do that,” he replies. “And since we seem to have a hole in our schedules, I think we need to go do something else I’ve been thinking about all day.”

I plant my hands on his chest and give him a quick peck but pull back. “Before we do that, I have some news I want to share.”

He cocks his head and looks at me with curiosity on his face. “Okay, let’s hear it.”

“Well, first, I heard from my brother,” I say.

“Yeah? He finally make a decision?”

I nod. “He’s going to go to Georgetown.”

“Solid choice,” Silas says. “Great school. He going to be a lawyer too?”

“He thinks it will look better when he runs for office.”

“So, he’s going to be a politician after all.”

I laugh. “He is. He wants to do some good in the world. He wants to help the underserved and underprivileged.”

“I think your experience might have helped shape his choice,” Silas says.

“I think so too,” I say. “And I couldn’t possibly be prouder of him.”

“Me too. I really think he’s going to do great things,” he says. “We’ll need to get his financials in order to make sure he has tuition and all.”

“He’s got a lot of money from scholarships and all—”

“Well, we’ll cover any differences,” Silas says. “And see what else he needs. He’s a college boy after all. He’ll have expenses. Condoms aren’t cheap, you know.”
