Page 29 of Lawyer

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“Fair enough.”

We’re standing on the top floor of a parking garage in the middle of the city. There isn’t much traffic up here and I know this structure—I know the cameras on the top floor don’t work. Tulsa is tall and lean, with rich ebony skin, dark eyes, and an engaging smile. He’s shaved bald but has a thick goatee that’s peppered with gray and has an easy-going manner about him. He’s not a hacker but Bruno assured me that Tulsa’s got the skills to do the job I need him to do. Bruno assured me that Tulsa will be quick, clean, and that he won’t be traced back to me. He says Tulsa is a man who knows how to keep his mouth shut. I believe him.

“So, do you think you can do what I need?” I ask.

He chuckles. “When Bruno told me what you need, I thought he was kidding. You really willin’ to pay me what you offered for somethin’ that simple?”

“I am.”

“Must be serious.”

“It is,” I tell him. “The only catch is that it has to be done by tonight.”

“Tonight, huh?”

“I’ve only just learned that the situation is a little more complicated than I first thought,” I say. “And those complications put us on a clock.”

“Tight clock,” Tulsa says.

“It is,” I reply. “Can you do it?”

His smile is wide and as bright as the sun. “Of course, I can. I can do it in my sleep, brother. This is child’s play.”

“Good. That’s good.”

Tulsa pauses and arches an eyebrow at me. “You sure about this? Because once I do it, there ain’t no goin’ back.”

“I am. Very sure.”

I reach into my jacket pocket, pull out an envelope, and hand it over to Tulsa. He accepts it and slips it into his own pocket.

“You don’t want to count it?” I ask.

He chuckles again. “Nah. You know what I can do. If it’s short, you know I’ll be payin’ you a visit and you ain’t never goin’ to see it comin’ any more than this poor ol’ Lucas will.”

He laughs it off like it’s a joke, but I know that veiled threat is dead serious. I have no idea where Bruno found this guy but I like him.

“You got a business card or anything?” I ask.

He laughs like it’s the funniest thing he’s ever heard. “Business card? Are you serious right now?”

“I just want some way to contact you,” I reply. “If this works out, I may have other work for you in the future.”

He looks at me for a moment with his lips pursed. But then he nods. “Tell Bruno to give you my real contact number. Tell him I said it’s cool.”

“Will do,” I reply. “And thanks for fitting me in on such short notice.”

“Ain’t no sweat, man. Like I said, this is child’s play,” he tells me. “Stay up on that burner. I’ll let you know when it’s done.”

“All right. Thanks, Tulsa.”

“You got it, brother.”

He turns and walks to the staircase that will lead him down and out of the garage. I wait for a couple of minutes, giving him time to get clear of the area so we’re not seen together. When I’m ready, I head out of the structure myself, a knot in the pit of my stomach. It’s not worry though. It’s excitement. This deal with Lucas is going to be at an end, once and for all, very soon. And once Lucas is gone for good, she’ll have nothing to fear. Nothing to worry about. And we’ll be able to get on with our lives. Together. Because she is mine and I am hers.


