Page 24 of Lawyer

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“I’m just trying to earn a living, bro.”

“Then do it where children aren’t within an arm’s reach of you,” I say. “The plaza downtown has plenty of businessmen who do just as much coke. I don’t actually give a fuck where you go so long as you’re not dealing next to children.”


“Tell me you understand, Lucas.”

He grumbles under his breath and slips his hands into his pockets, a dark expression creeping across his face.

“Lucas, tell me you understand.”

“Fine. I understand. Whatever,” he says.

“And just in case you’re thinking about blowing me off, just remember I’ve got friends everywhere,” I say. “I will know if you’re dealing here again. Believe that.”

“I said fine. All right? Jesus fuck,” he snaps.

His voice is so loud, it makes the pair of older gentlemen sitting at a chess table nearby turn and look at us questioningly. Lucas snarls at them and they turn around, talking to one another about the rudeness and lack of civility being displayed by the younger generation these days. I laugh softly then turn back to Lucas.

“Now, for the real reason for my visit today,” I start.

“Fuck that. I’m done.”

Lucas starts to walk off, but I grab him the by the arm and slam him back against the railing. He winces as the steel bars dig into his back. I step closer to him, narrowing my eyes and clenching my jaw tight. He recoils but being trapped between me and the railing, Lucas can only go so far. My face is burning with rage and ignites the same fire throughout my body. The anger flowing through me is making me sweat and I feel the beads of it spilling down between my shoulder blades, making my shirt cling to me uncomfortably.

“Dude, back off,” Lucas protests.

“Here’s the real reason for my visit. Now, pay attention, Lucas. I want you to listen closely because I’m only going to tell you once,” I start. “Are you ready? Are you paying attention?”

“Whatever, dude.”

“Tell me you’re listening. I don’t want there to be any misunderstanding, Lucas,” I press, leaning forward to make him feel claustrophobic and on the verge of panicking. “Tell me you’re listening.”

“Fine. I’m listening,” he spits. “What the fuck, man?”

“If I ever hear of you going near Aria again, I will end you, Lucas. You are not to approach her, you are not to look at her, you are not even allowed to think about her,” I tell him, my voice tight and cold. “And if I ever hear of you doing any one of those things… God help you, Lucas. There isn’t a goddamn thing on this Earth that will save you from me. If you go anywhere near Aria, I will tear you limb from limb. Do you understand?”

He glowers at me, his lips curled back in a sneer, hatred emanating from his every pore. I step even closer to him and reach into the pocket of his filthy jean jacket. He grabs at my arm, and I slap him away with my other hand. I withdraw my hand and come away with a fistful of small baggies, some filled with power, some with rocks, and some with pills. Lucas lunges for them but I throw a quick elbow that catches him in the mouth.

“You broke my tooth, you son of a bitch,” he growls at me.

Blood flows from the split in his lip, spilling down his chin and spattering a dingy t-shirt that’s closer to gray than white anymore. He pulls his hand away from his mouth and I nod when I see the chip taken out of his front tooth.

“Yeah, looks that way,” I say.

“I’m going to kill you,” he spits. “Give me back my stash.”

I stuff the entire handful of baggies into my pocket, save for one. The baggie I’m holding has a large rock in it, so I open it up and shake it out onto the ground in front of me. With Lucas watching me closely, I ground the rock into dust beneath the heel of my shoe. He’s so angry, his entire body is shaking, and spittle is flying from his lips.

“You motherfucker,” he growls.

“Remember everything we said here today, Lucas. Remember what we agreed to,” I tell him. “Because if you don’t, I can promise you that things will not go very well for you. And losing this little pocketful of joy will be the least of your problems.”

“I’m going to kill you.”

I lean forward so suddenly, Lucas flinches back and runs into the steel bars of the fence again, letting out a sharp yelp of pain. I chuckle softly to myself.

“Good luck with that, Lucas,” I say. “But until you manage to kill me, remember what I said. You go anywhere near Aria, andIwill fucking killyou.”

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