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“But why would clients ever give you, a priest, or even an attorney or anyone else confidential information of such a nature?”

“Who says theygaveit to Alice?”

Now White sat up straighter. “She went out and found it, you mean?”

“She and whoever else she was working with.”

“You have any names on that score?”

He shook his head.

“Knowing what you knew, why wasn’t she fired from this place?”

“We came to a mutually advantageous separation.”

“And you obviously didn’t warn her new firm about her transgressions.”

“As I said, we came to an agreement.”

White stared at him as he looked down at his hands.

“Whatever she had onyou, was itthatbad?” she asked.

“I’m afraid I have to end this meeting, Agent White.”


WHITE’S NEXT TRIP TOOK HERto Capitol Hill, where she met with a rep from the police force.

Ed Nash was bald, trim, and straight backed. He looked no-nonsense and turned out to be just that.

“I remember Alan Draymont,” he said. “You said he got killed?”

“At the house of a federal judge.”

“Why was he guarding a judge? I thought that was what the U.S. Marshals did.”

“It’s complicated.” White chose her words carefully. “What if I told you—hypothetically, of course—that Draymont was there for another reason unrelated to protecting the judge?”

A disgusted look swept over Nash’s face. “Let me guess. Draymont was screwing her?”

“Why did that occur to you?”

He leaned forward. “I’m not into breaking confidences, but let me throwyoua hypothetical. What would you say if I told you that while he was here some of the congresswomen and their female staffers in this building had Draymontguardthem, too?”

“How exactly would that work?”

“DC is expensive. Quite a few lawmakers choose to essentially live in their offices, though they tried to ban that, but when do politicians listen to rules? So, they can have cozy and private meeting places after hours. And a lot of them share apartments and town houses nearby. But they’re almost always out of town, so those places can be empty, too, a lot.”

“What did Draymont get out of it?”

“Besides the obvious, you mean?”

“Yeah, besides that.”

“Draymont kept his ear to the ground. Stuff he heard, maybe he used to his advantage.”

“Like having affairs with married lawmakers?”
