Page 97 of Provoke

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Shelby’s eyebrows shoot to her hairline, but a slow, knowing smile creeps across her face.

“So, maybe the guy does have a chance after all?” She smirks, and I wince.

“I’m... conflicted.”

Her head bobs, and a slow smile plays upon her much too curious face. “Mmmm-hmmmm. Navigating feelings is a real pain, huh?”

Giving them up to the foyer would be for the best. It would send Charles a strong message, too. But the truth is, I don’t want to part with them. It’s ridiculous, considering the reason they were sent to begin with, but I want them.

So dumb, Raven.

“Let me think about it,” I say, and she smiles.

I don’t ask why she’s smiling because it’s obvious. She knows those flowers will be sitting right here on this desk tomorrow morning. Am I that easy to read?

“I’m headed out. It’s girls’ night, and I asked to leave early,” she says, making her way to the door.

“Fun. I’m jealous. I’ll be here. Working.” I shift the flowers to the other side of the desk, giving me a clearer view of the door.

“Again? You have my sympathy.” She rocks back on her heels, clearly ready to get out of here.

“See you later, Shelby.”

I wave a hand, looking back down at the paper sitting in front of me, determined to get my work done and get out of here before nine tonight. I’m hungry and tired, but due to my distractions this morning, I’m behind.

I sit at my desk for well over an hour, trying to work, but my gaze keeps landing on the flowers. They’re gorgeous. Easily the prettiest I’ve ever been given.

Hydrangeas have always been my favorite.

My mom used to have several bushes at our old house, and I always loved them. Hers were a brilliant shade of blue, but these green and white blossoms, intermixed with pink roses, make for an elegant combination. Sophisticated. Just like the sender.

My mind drifts to Charles, and I wonder if he chose this exact bouquet or if the florist did. I hate that it bothers me to think he left it in someone else's hands.

Why do I care?

I shouldn’t.

But I do, and it pisses me off.Hepisses me off.

The mind games aren’t fair. He could’ve simply said the words or done as I suggested last night and moved forward. Act like it never happened.

He didn’t have to send me these flowers and toy with my head even more.

I’m out of my seat and headed in his direction before I can think better of it. I’m coming unhinged, and I blame him.

No matter how many times I tell myself I can move forward and work alongside him, it’s not true. He’s under my skin, and I can’t think of anything else.

I’m so screwed.



Raven ismy poison and antidote all in one.

I can’t get her out of my mind.

I know better. I’ve learned from experience. But I can’t stop the flood of feelings that invade me when she’s near. I’m unraveling, and it’s entirely the five-foot-four-ish blonde ray of bloody sunshine’s fault.
