Page 34 of Provoke

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I don’t even spare Keller a parting word or glance as I walk past him. My head is held high, and I work to walk with a confidence I don’t currently possess.

Keller has my anger on overload, and Cavendish has my libido skyrocketing with that sexy smolder that’s all him.

My mind wars with the two sides of Charles Cavendish. The CEO that’s all formalities and professionalism versus the man I met at Silver, whose hands had been all over me.

I dread what’s to come. I’d hoped he’d drop our previous encounter and allow us to move on with our lives, but if he wants to see me, someone who’s barely a blip on the Cavendish Group radar, it has to be about Silver.

Once in his office, he gestures to the chair in front of his desk. “Please, take a seat.”

I sit down, trying hard not to fidget but failing miserably. My hands twist around each other, and my leg bounces.

Instinct would normally have me spouting out words in an attempt to make this less awkward, but I’m struck mute. No words will come.

This man has the ability to throw me so far off-kilter without saying a word. I’m not sure which way is up at the moment.

“I heard the way Keller spoke to you. Unfortunately, he does have a reputation of being rather demanding with his employees.”

“He’s an ass.” The words come out before I’ve had a chance to censor them.

He quirks a brow. “An ass? I suppose that’s a fair assessment. Although, I don’t recommend you tell him that directly.”

“I... wouldn’t. It slipped.”

Charles’s lip lifts in a grin that sets off his dimples. Heat pools low in my belly, and now I’m really fidgeting.

“He’s not bad at his job, but he’s not good with people, and he hates it when someone calls him out on it.”

“He doesn’t seem to like women in general,” I say again, without thinking.

“Keller doesn’t like anyone who makes him look bad.” He shrugs, shifting papers around on his desk. “Personally, I found the whole thing quite amusing.”

I have no idea if this is a compliment or not.

“I’m sorry about Mr. Keller, but I saw a hole in the plan, and since there is no account manager—yet—I felt it necessary to intervene before too much time was spent going down the wrong road. Keller isn’t my superior, and as far as I’ve been told, he’s not part of the Diosa team. I have a vested interest in this account doing well.” The words rush from me, and I’m semi-grateful that they at least seem to make sense.

I gulp, not liking the way he’s looking at me. Like he’s trying to work out in his head how to gently tell me I need to find another job.

“Did you want to see me to discuss Keller?”

His eyes narrow, and his lips purse together. “No.”

“Listen, Raven.” He leans forward as though whatever is coming next is sensitive, and he doesn’t want anyone else to overhear it.

My back straightens, and I steel myself for what’s coming.

“I don’t know what your motives were the other night at Silver, but you clearly knew who I was.”

My mouth drops open, and the smile is wiped from my face.

He can’t be serious.

“Are you insinuating that I locked myself in a closet, nearly had a panic attack, and it was all to be alone with you?”

“Sounds right.”

“Because I knew you were my new boss?” My teeth grind together.

“I couldn’t have summarized it better myself, Rae.”

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