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The corner of his lip tips upward ever so slightly as he steps forward, invading my personal space. I look up as his right hand skims around my side and gently grips my hip. He pulls me forward at the same time he takes a step so we’re chest to chest. His left hand moves to my neck, his long fingers sliding easily along the smooth skin until he’s cupping my jaw in his big hand. “I missed you too, Butterfly. So fucking much.”

Then his lips are on mine. The kiss isn’t soft or gentle. It isn’t tender or sweet. This is raw, unabolished lust and desire. This is more than a decade of hurt and longing entwined together. This is a kiss that preludes into something dirty, something powerful. This kiss is everything.

Jensen nips at my bottom lip causing me to gasp in pleasure. The moment I do, his tongue sweeps in, tasting and licking. His hold on my hip tightens, branding me with his heat through my clothes. My body sways in his direction, immediately coming in contact with the hard length of his erection entombed in his shorts. I’m ready to throw caution to the wind and drop my clothes—hell, drop to my knees—right here in the middle of my front porch.

Before I can loosen his belt, his lips are ripped away from mine. Gasps for air fill the night sky as I open my eyes and try to focus on his gorgeous face. He looks conflicted as hell, a heady mixture of desire and confusion. It’s like he wants me, but maybe doesn’t want to want me. That’s a sobering thought.

I take a step back, hating the distance instantly. Jensen runs his hands through his hair, his wide eyes never leaving mine. “Shit, that got out of hand quickly. I wasn’t going to kiss you.”

Well, then…

Clearing my throat, I tug down the hem of my shirt, wishing it helped cover how exposed I feel—and I’m not talking about my skin. I’m referring to my heart. “Oh, well, no harm, no foul,” I say in a shaky voice as I take another step back to the front door. Yeah, not at all confident and blasé as I was hoping for.

“Wait, shit, no. That didn’t come out the way I wanted it to,” he concedes, closing his eyes and glancing upward. “What I meant was I wasn’t planning to maul you like an animal tonight. I was planning to do the respectable thing, give you a kiss on the cheek, and then leave.”

I’m sure the look on my face conveys my confusion. “But…you had your hand on my boobs earlier.”

He snorts a laugh. “Yeah, I know, and I was about two seconds away from having my hands on your boobs again.”

A new confidence sweeps through me. He wasn’t pulling away because he wanted to. He was pulling away because he felt like it was the right thing to do. Well, maybe, for once in my life, I don’t want to do the right thing. Maybe, for once, I want to throw caution right out the window and live. Maybe, for once, I want to take something for me—because I want it.

Because I want him.

Taking a bold step forward, I gently take his hand in mine. His eyes dilate and his nostrils flare. I swear the man is a mind reader. I move my other hand to his chest, grazing my palm over the hard planes of his abs and up to rest on his pecs. “So, let me get this straight,” I start, taking another step closer until we’re standing chest to chest once more. “You wanted to be the polite, respectable man who would make any father proud, right?”

He swallows hard and nods his head.

“Well, maybe that’s not what I want.”

“What do you want?” he whispers, his hands moving to my hips, his fingers digging into the flesh of my lower back.

“I want you, Jensen. I’ve always just wanted you.”

He places his forehead against mine and inhales deeply. “What am I supposed to do, Kate?” he whispers, his voice strained and tight.

“You’re supposed to come inside with me, Jensen. But only if you want to.”

“Fuck, I want to come inside with you more than anything,” he confesses, his fingers flexing and biting my skin.

Going up on my tiptoes, I whisper, “Take me inside.”

That’s the only invitation he needs. Jensen practically sweeps me up in his arms and takes two steps until we reach my front door. I dig for the keys in my bag and turn the lock at the same time his hand grabs for the knob and turns.

Inside, I can still smell the fresh carpet, paint, and cleaning supplies, but I’m not paying any attention to the recent updates to the house when Jensen’s lips lock on mine once more. This kiss is passionate, fierce, and dominating. He was always a take-what-he-wants kinda guy, and that hasn’t changed in the slightest in adulthood.

The moment the door closes behind us, he maneuvers me until my legs are wrapped around his waist. He grinds his erection into the apex of my legs, and I swear, there are fireworks. My body is on fire and my blood pooling centrally between my legs.

“Jesus, Butterfly,” he groans, gripping my ass and grinding into my core. “I can’t…I can’t even think.”

“Don’t think,” I beg, gliding my lips along the smooth column of his neck. Jensen had shaved right before our evening out, and while I love the velvetiness of his tanned skin, part of me longs for the bite of a five o’clock shadow.

Especially on my thighs…

The engagement of the lock echoes through the foyer before he turns and heads toward the massive staircase. His long gait eats up the ornate stone flooring and he takes the stairs two at a time. I glance over my shoulder as he stops at the top of the stairs. Our eyes both dart to the hallway to the right—the one that leads to my former bedroom. There are more rooms down that way, but most of them were guest bedrooms.

“Left,” I tell him, knowing he’ll know where we’re headed.

When I moved back into the home, I decided to take the master bedroom. There’s no reason to keep it for my mom, since she says she’ll never return to Rockland Falls, and it’s not like my dad needs it anymore, right? The bedroom is massive, complete with seating area, his and hers walk-in closets, impressive en-suite bathroom, and private balcony. Honestly, it’s way more space than I need, but it’s gorgeous, nonetheless. Especially since I had the builder start here and do a little work to update the bathroom and tear down the old planked hardwood walls. They made it too dark for my liking, even with the floor-to-ceiling windows along the ocean. Fortunately, it only took them a few days to drywall and get them ready for paint. Throw in the decorator I hired to help give the room a facelift and you can barely tell it’s the same room my parents shared when I was young. It’s amazing what can be done in a week’s time.
