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“Come for me. Yeah, that's it. Very good, sweetheart,” he said softly.

I bucked into his hand and cock, overwhelmed, breathing raggedly. Just when I stopped screaming, Shawn drove in once, twice. On the third thrust, his cock grew inside me, and his hot seed splashed against my walls. A vague thought slipped into my foggy brain. It was a good thing I was back on the pill so I could feel all of Shawn. My breath quickened, pulling me back into the moment.

“Oh, no, I'm—” I cried out as I orgasmed again.

This time, Shawn fell into me, still thrusting, stretching out my orgasm. His breath came out in ragged pumps, and we trembled together as we came down from the high. He fell to the side and pulled me against him.

When we caught our breath, we got out of bed and cleaned up before returning to lie beside each other. I placed a hand on his chest and felt his steady heartbeat. Just like mine. A smile curved my lips, and I kissed the spot. He pulled me closer and kissed my forehead. Content, my eyes fell shut as I heard Shawn's breath turn heavy with sleep, and I allowed myself to drift off.

It was still dark when I woke up. I'd stayed in Shawn's room several times before and knew which windows the first light shone through. I looked at the curtains but couldn't make out a hint of sunshine. Still, I felt rested, only a bit sore between my legs.

Sometime during the night, I had rolled out of Shawn's arms and now lay on my side. His arm was around me in a loose grip, and his chest was pressed to my back. His cock rested on my ass, and even in its non-aroused state, it still had my center awakening. I shoved the thought out of my head, content to lie next to him.

Another niggling thought took its place. Eric. Shawn told me last night that Eric had been watching the building. The same fear that had gripped me the previous night curled in the pit of my stomach. Shawn promised to keep me safe, but when would Eric stop? I went out with the kids last night. What if Eric followed us? What if he targeted the kids? Leon and Brady didn't deserve any harm. They were just kids.

I turned to face Shawn. The sun was rising, and I could outline his features. My chest tightened. He didn't deserve any drama from me. His focus should be on his boys, not managing the nanny's troubles. And that's all I was—the nanny.

I didn’t think Eric would hurt anyone, but I couldn’t risk him coming up to the house to speak with me or confronting me when I was with the kids. Soon enough, Shawn would weigh the costs of my presence against the benefits and decide I wasn't worth it. What would I do then? How would I feel? Pain clamped down on my chest, and I stifled a cry. It was only a matter of time. I couldn't bear the thought. I only wanted to keep the happy memories of myself, Shawn, and the kids before my troubles ruined us.

“I'm sorry,” I whispered and kissed Shawn's forehead.

Shawn's hand wouldn't leave my side, and when I tried to move away, he pulled me against his chest. I started to worry he had woken up, but his steady, even breath proved he was still fast asleep. It was so endearing, and I didn’t want to leave him... I shook my head. Couldn't think of what-ifs. I needed to leave.

I threw my legs over the edge of the bed and gently moved myself out of his arms. He started to stir, so I quickly pushed a pillow into the spot I had occupied. I looked at him for one long moment before pushing myself toward my bedroom.

Once I closed my door, I pulled my suitcase out of the closet and hurriedly tossed clothes in it. The sun was rising. Shit. Shawn was an early riser. He couldn't catch me leaving. I was sure he’d try to convince me to stay. That he could keep me safe. But I couldn't chance Eric ruining Shawn and the boys’ lives, too. No matter what I told myself, I couldn't deny that Shawn cared about me. And I did care about him; that's why I had to leave.

Increasing the pace, I packed my suitcase, threw on an outfit, and headed downstairs. I grabbed a pen and notebook and sat at the dining table. Even with all my determination, I couldn't leave him clueless. He deserved to know the reason I left.

Taking a deep breath, I wrote, and with each word, my eyes filled up. Somehow, I had grown so attached to Shawn and the boys over the short time I stayed here. They'd become a crucial part of my stay in Cape Worth. Hell, my life. And I was walking away. All because of Eric. I squeezed the pen so tight my fingers hurt.

I'd never been so mad at him as I was now. A tear slipped from my eyes, but I quickly wiped it away and finished the note. There was no use crying. Blowing out a breath, I stuck the note to the fridge and wrapped a hand around my suitcase handle. I left the credit card Shawn had given me on the table, but I needed the key to let myself out. I would worry about giving it back later. I gave the place a long look as I stepped out into the hallway.

In the elevator, I considered my options. Troy and Layla's was a no-no. I had no doubt Troy would let my location slip in a moment if his friend asked, and I wouldn't want Layla and Troy to be torn between loyalties. Tears filled my eyes once more. I hated to be a pain in the ass, but I had no choice. I'd ask Kate. I needed to go back to Kate's.



I turned in bed, a smile on my face. The few times I woke up next to Violet, I learned I wasn't the early riser I imagined myself to be. Her warm body kept me in bed far longer than I would any other day, and I had no problem with that. The sun was already bright outside and lit up the room, but I kept my eyes shut despite the beams piercing my eyelids. I wanted to preserve my hazy state for as long as possible. I wanted nothing more than to reach for Violet and pull her close to me.

My groping search produced sheets and pillows. Reluctantly, I pried open my eyelids and took in the bed. She was up. Without her, my sleepy haze cleared quickly, and I lumbered into the bathroom. I cleaned up and threw on a shirt and joggers.

Since it was Saturday, I was sure we had a few hours until the boys returned from their sleepover. Maybe we'd have breakfast and then return to bed. My cock stiffened with that thought. Last night came back to me, and I smiled. What would she say if I greeted her with my hard cock pressed against her ass? She'd probably love it and beg for more.

I crossed the space to the kitchen, my steps hurried. The many times I saw her nursing a cup of coffee at dawn while leaning against the counter had me expecting the same scene this morning. I'd wrap her in my arms and kiss her neck, then she'd tell me about any crazy dreams she’d had.

I came to a stop by the door. Violet wasn't here. Maybe she was in her bedroom. The coffeemaker was clean and unused. I frowned. She loved her coffee. Didn't she come out here? No worries. I'll just make some for both of us.

I passed the refrigerator to get the coffee grounds, and something caught my eye. I stopped and turned. Posted on the fridge was a note. Violet usually left notes for the kids, but this was longer. Frowning, I peeled it off and held it for a closer look.

At first, my mind couldn't comprehend what I was reading, so I read out loud. "I'm sorry, Shawn. I shouldn't leave like this, but I have no choice. You've been so kind, and I don't want to push the boundaries of your generosity. My ex shouldn't be your problem. It's mine, and I have to live with it, not you or the boys. I don't want Eric to harass you or them. The boys need to be safe, even if it means I have to leave. I hope you can forgive me. Violet.”

She left? I hurried out of the kitchen and up the stairs. Wasn't she in her room? I threw open the door without knocking. No Violet.

My chest squeezed and I struggled to draw breath. I forced my feet to the bathroom, afraid of what I'd see. Or rather, what I wouldn't see. Teeth clenched, I opened the door. It was as spotless as the day before Violet came into my home. Into our lives. What would I tell the boys?

I backtracked to her closet, and my fears solidified. It was empty. Stripped bare of everything that was hers. I turned, slightly dazed. “Violet,” I whispered hoarsely.
