Page 35 of Daddy Commands

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‘He says you’re already two minutes late and that you’re lucky he’s going easy on you.’

‘Ugh! Fine.’ She put her tweezers down and headed through with Dante. ‘I’m coming!’ she said, loudly. ‘If you’d just let me work in the evening, I wouldn’t have to spend every last min— jumping Jehoshaphat!’

She stood, mouth open, and stared at the scene. Wolf stood next to a beautifully laid table which was in the middle of the bar area. On the table was a single, tall candle, set in a wine bottle, and gleaming porcelain plates. Underneath was a red and white checked tablecloth, and two rustic looking chairs sat on either side.

‘Well,’ Dante said, ‘I’ll leave you two lovebirds to it.’ He smiled.


Is that what they were? In the past two weeks, they hadn’t shared so much as a sexy snuggle. They’d both been super-busy, but Sophia was starting to suspect that any attraction Wolf might have had for her had dried up entirely. Sure, there was the tickling and the play-biting and all that fun stuff, but it wasn’t exactlysteamy. All she had was that damn kiss to go off.

‘What’s this in aid off?’ Sophia asked, her voice wobbling a little.

Wolf gestured toward one of the chairs, then walked out behind it, and pulled it away from the table. ‘Come, take a load off, sweetheart. You’ve been working yourself to the bone.’

She did as he asked. It was always a pleasure to do as he asked. The more he asked of her, the more authority he asserted, the more she trusted him. So far, he hadn’t asked her to do anything she didn’t want to do. Well, that wasn’tstrictlytrue. But it was true to say he hadn’t asked her to do anything that she didn’t immediately realize was good for her.

‘Like I was saying, if you let me work in the evening, I—’

‘Out of the question, Little one.’

She knew it was out of the question, and she didn’t actually want him to let her. She was testing her limits, pure and simple. It helped her feel grounded to know that she couldn’t change his mind on this.

‘Fine,’ she said, grumpily. But inside, her heart was singing.

‘How was your day?’ he asked. He poured a tall glass of sparkling water and dropped a couple ice cubes into it.

‘Good, thank you,’ she said. There was a note of suspicion in her voice. ‘This is very fancy treatment.’

‘Nothing less than you deserve,’ he said.

‘So, what’s this all about?’ she asked.

He breathed in deep. She was so used to the way he did this by now. Any time he was a bit nervous about something. It was a pleasure to get to know him, to recognize the truth of his soul as it slowly revealed itself to her.

‘I’ve got two special surprises for you,’ he said.



‘What are they?’ She couldn’t help but be excited, even though the last time someone had given her a special surprise, it had been to marry her against her wishes.

‘First, we eat. Then, all will be revealed.’

‘Ughhh, nooooo, Daddy, pleeeasseee.’

‘Dinner,’ he said firmly.


He’d never seen anyone eat as quickly as Sophia did that evening. He even had to caution her a couple times that she was on the verge of choking.

‘I know peoplesayinhaling food, but I don’t think they mean it literally.’

‘Less talk, more eat.’

He’d hoped that she enjoy this dinner, but she was treating it more like a challenge that had to be conquered before true enjoyment could begin. It had been amazing to get to know Sophia over the past couple weeks. He’d realized a few days in, as her anxiety started to fall away, a whole new person was emerging.
