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When we got back to the table and sat down, the guys all looked at us, but I didn’t let it bother me. Instead, I sat up straighter and reveled in their attention.

“What is happening right now?” Russ’ voice was lowered as he whispered to Lisa, but I heard him.

I looked over at him and grinned. “I’m a badass, Russ. I’m a smart, sexy woman and I’m going to have a good time tonight. Maybe I’ll dance on a table or go home with someone. Who knows? The night is young and I’m a single, sexual woman with good underwear and an okay set of tits. They wouldn’t get caught in a sock drawer, but they’re cute. I’m starving. When is dinner coming?”

Lisa threw back her head and cackled while Russ stared at me in horror. I realized I was drunker than I thought, but I was drunker than I thought, so it didn’t matter that I’d just given a really embarrassing speech.

Lisa held up her glass and I grabbed Theo’s beer bottle. “Here’s to Reagan getting her groove back!”

Russ tried to block our toast but missed. I took a long pull of Theo’s beer and then passed it back to him with a wink. Russ, all the while, was sputtering negativity. “What the hell did you do to my sister in there? What is she talking about? Sock drawers? There will be no dancing on tables and definitely no going home with anyone. Jesus!”

Lisa grabbed Russ and pulled him close. She whispered something to him that made his face go blank and then he settled in his chair and watched his wife with what his sister considered too much hunger on his face.

I looked over at Theo and smiled. If ten years ago never happened, I had nothing to feel weird about. “Your arms are huge. What do you do for your muscles?”
