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“Andthenwhathappened?” Megan’s wife, Kara, leaned in, even more interested in what I was saying than Megan.

“He fed me. He kissed me like a damn god between bites of some of the best lemon bars I’ve ever eaten. I was straddling him, so I could feel everything if you know what I mean. I know it makes me a giant skank, probably, but I was ready and willing to be screwed on the roof of the school. Charlie is so hot and when that’s paired with intent and thoughtfulness? Just take my panties, already.”

“Charlie is really fucking hot. I can say it because I’m a married lesbian, but if I wasn’t… I’d fight you for Charlie.”

Megan scowled. “Nice. I’m starting to think that Reagan might be a bad influence on you.”

“Oh, really? You’re acting like you don’t reap the rewards of Reagan’s stories?” Kara looked at me sheepishly. “I practically maul her every time you tell us about your sex life. I can’t help it.”

I cackled at the look on Megan’s face. “I never thought being back in Lunar would be more exciting than LA, but it is.”

Kara waved her hands. “Back to the story!”

“That’s the thing.” I shifted in my seat because I was still in a heightened state of arousal, an entire day after my date with Charlie. “We made out like teenagers, basically dry humped for hours, but he never went farther. I practically drew an arrow on the school roof, pointing straight to my vagina, but he just packed up the picnic and drove me home. Like a gentleman!”

“God! The worst!”

Megan shook her head as she looked between me and her wife. “Do you hear yourselves?”

“I know!” I pulled my hands down my face as I groaned. “I really do know. He planned a sweet date, spent the night talking to me and giving me all of his attention, and I’m complaining because he didn’t try to fuck me. I’m awful.”

“No, you’re horny. There’s a difference.”

“I really am. I am having more sex than I’ve ever had in my life, with a caliber of men that I’ve only ever dreamt of beyond prom night, and I am still going crazy. I had to stop myself from speeding through town to find August last night.”

“I’m just impressed, honestly.” Kara nodded to the center of my thighs. “You’ve been walking a little funny, but you’re still running back for more.”

“I’m not walking funny!”

Megan laughed and nodded. “Yeah, you are.”

“Oh, god. That’s embarrassing.” I sank back into their couch and stared at their ceiling. They’d made a point of telling me they were removing the popcorn overlay as soon as possible, but I found it gave me something to study as I admitted what I did next. “I want all three of them. What happened prom night should’ve felt dirty and awkward, but it didn’t. The night of the reunion, even while we were all wasted, it wasn’t awkward. I’ve never felt a connection with anyone else the way I do with them. What does that say about me?”

“It doesn’t say anything about you, Rea. Don’t make yourself sick trying to analyze why you feel a sexual connection with three men. What does it matter?”

I looked back at Megan and frowned. “Why do they have to be Russ’ best friends? When I slow down, I start to feel so guilty. Russ would murder me.”

“Russ can be an idiot.” Kara shrugged, not caring that she might’ve offended me. “He’s nice and all, but you’re a grown-ass woman, with grown-ass woman needs. You can’t help who you’re attracted to and no one is forcing his best friends to fuck around with you. Don’t you dare feel guilty for living your best life.”

Megan stroked her wife’s hair and grinned. “Okay, bring it back a bit. You are doing something that you know would upset Russ. He’s overbearing, but he has his reasons, I’m sure. I’m not saying beat yourself up over it. I’m just saying to keep it in mind while making decisions. I wouldn’t let the cat out of the bag unless I knew I was adopting that fucking cat and already had papers and a litter box if you know what I mean.”

“Papers and a litter box?”

She raised her hands. “A proposal and a house? I don’t know. It just worked.”

“You expect me to get a proposal and a house? Are you out of your mind?” My stomach flipped just thinking about it.

“I expect you to be serious about them before letting Russ find out. That way, the trouble would be worth it.”

I looked back up at the ceiling and thought of the men. Frustratingly, my body instantly responded. I was going to jump Charlie when I saw him.

“Go on. You’re vibrating like a dog in heat. Go and find your men.” Megan rolled her eyes but stood up to hug me. “Have fun.”

“My dad used to tell my brothers to not be silly and wrap their willy. So. I’ll pass that to you. Don’t be silly; wrap the willy.” Kara saw the look on my face and shook her head, even as a devious smile stretched across her face. “You little hussy.”

“I’m on the pill!” I groaned and backed away. “Don’t judge me. Or maybe do judge me. I need something to snap me out of my male induced stupor.”

“How about the fact that the pill isn’t one hundred percent affective? Do you want a little Charlie, Theo, or August?”

I shuddered and flicked Megan’s forehead before rushing away. “How dare you even say those words to me.”

“Get out of here so I can jump my wife now.” Kara sighed. “Tell Charlie he needs to step up his game, though. I need fucking.”

Megan put her hand over Kara’s mouth and waved at me. “Bye, now.”

I hurried out to my car and sat in their driveway for a second, considering what I was about to do. I didn’t even know if August was on duty, but a drive sounded nice. A fast drive sounded even better.

A thrill went through me as I pulled out of Megan’s driveway and headed towards the main highway through town. It took less than five minutes for lights to flash on behind me.
