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Dhampir Heir

THE CAR IDLES outside a strange fenced in compound. Lights sparkle and illuminate the dark world around us. I have no idea how long I’ve been out, but it has been long enough that I missed seeing Lawrence leave La Vega. He had to have. While this compound looks like it has casinos and hotels like the ones in La Vega, it doesn’t look to have more than a handful.

The chain-link gate comes to life, the soft hum trickling in through the broken windows. I gasp a few breaths, my anxiety tearing my insides apart. Hundreds of figures blur around the strange new city in front of me, and Lawrence barrels forward, not trying to avoid the vampires. There aren’t as many as I’ve seen on the Strip of La Vega, but all it takes is one asshole to kill me.

“Welcome to the Whiskey and Falo Ills, Hayley,” Lawrence says, keeping his gaze on the road ahead. “I want you to know how happy I am to have you here. It was about time that I could take you from that idiotic asshole. Alex has no idea what he even managed to create all those years ago when he bit your mom while she was pregnant with you.”

I frown and turn in my seat. I know better than to look him in the eyes, but his words pique my curiosity. “What? Drinking from pregnant donors is illegal.”

A smirk stretches his smile. “Don’t be naïve. He didn’t drink from her. He bit her with his venom and managed to start a dhampir line—half-human, half-vampire, and one of the most incredible beings in all of history. You’re a rare breed.”

I laugh in exasperation. “I think you have me confused with someone else. There is no way.”

He growls and snatches my wrist, squeezing my arm tightly. “Do not disregard things you can’t possibly understand or know. If I tell you something, I expect you to accept it. You are to understand your place. You are mine, and I will not tolerate any disobedience. It could be both of our downfalls otherwise.”

I wince and shrink away from him. Fuck. Why did I even think for a second that I could speak freely? My day with the Bella Crew messed with my head. “I’m sorry.”

Sighing, Lawrence parks outside of a brightly lit hotel. I clench my jaw, keeping my eyes averted from his. “Apology accepted. Now, before we go in, I want you to understand your place. You are in fact a dhampir. My venom bite proved it because you neither transformed into a vampire nor died. Had you been a purebred blood donor, that wouldn’t have been the case.”

What does any of this even mean? How did he know? He makes it sound like Opal and Alexander knew. I rack my brain, thinking about my life as best as I can. Opal did mention that I was special and that the Bella Crew didn’t know how to care for me. Alexander did also mention that he made me. I thought he meant that he turned me into the most popular headliner in all of La Vega.

“There are some rules you also need to understand,” Lawrence continues, keeping his voice low. “Not many vampires know or understand what a dhampir is and what they are capable of. Many fear them for their craving for vampire blood and would consider them a threat.” He chuckles at his statement. “Which is so far from the truth. You, my dear Hayley, were bred to be stronger than a donor, but you’re still one. Forever. Your blood can satiate many and for longer. You’re going to be my most prized possession. Stronger and faster with my venom, but I can easily let it all fade away. I could let you starve. I could end your life. I will end your life the second you try to disobey me. But, if you keep mind of your place, I will ensure you thrive and have a content eternity.”

My heartbeat pounds in my ears. I still can’t comprehend anything he’s saying. I want to ask questions, but the second I dare to look at him, he scowls. Jerking my attention to my hands, I tighten my mouth and remain silent.

“You will understand more soon enough.” Flinging his door open, Lawrence exits the vehicle and strides around the hood to my side. He doesn’t give me a chance to get to my feet and drags me out. “You will adjust. I promise.”

I run beside him in silence, trying to keep his pace, but the ache in my neck throbs worse than ever. If he didn’t rush me inside and through the casino, I’d have taken a second to touch my throat. Shoving a door open, he drags me into a strange room like it could’ve been a part of the casino long ago but has since been cleared of all of the slots and tables.

My whole body turns cold, my stomach flipping at the sight before me.

Oh, God.


Dozens and dozens of stacked beds create aisles in the giant room. It takes my eyes a moment to adjust to the darkness, but now I see that the beds are full. Long lines dangle from the placated donors’ arms, the darkness of the tubes surely blood as they’re drained into some sort of strange machine. Attached to their mouths are wider tubes, looking like they pump something into their throats.

It’s now that I realize that they’re not all donors. The top bunks are vampires—bound and being bled the same way but into the donors. I don’t know how or can see much else, but I nearly throw up at the sight. I thought La Vega was brutal, but it’s nothing compared to this place.

“Lovely, isn’t it?” Lawrence asks me, his eyes boring into the side of my face in my peripheral vision.

I don’t react. I can’t. If I open my mouth, I’ll scream.

“Don’t be too afraid, my dear. You’ll only be required to join the herd during the days and you’ll recover fast. You have a show to perform.” He hums under his breath like the idea satisfies his monstrous nature. “We must test your capabilities first.”

Numbness crashes over me as my brain processes everything. This can’t be happening. This can’t be my life. I’d rather die.

Lawrence comes to a halt outside of another door. Goosebumps prickle over my skin, my fear instincts screaming in terror. I yank away from him, my need to run outweighing my need to protect myself.

I don’t make it far.

Pain explodes in my shoulder as he digs his fingernails into the bite on my throat as he lifts me off my feet by my neck. He flashes his fangs in my face, his eyes glowing silver. I pray for my death to be quick. Maybe disobedience is the only way to end this.

“What did I fucking say?” he shouts, sending my short hair flying from my face. “Learn your place!”

Kicking open the door, Lawrence tosses me inside the dimly lit room, and I land on my hands and knees on something dark and sticky. The strange fragrance wafts through the air, and I squint, trying to figure shit out. The door slams, cutting me off from the draining room and Lawrence, and I gasp, sobbing uncontrollably.

A low, rumbly noise stills my whole body.

I whip my head up at the sight of the filthy, silver-eyed vampire in the corner of the small room.

Flying toward me, he rips me off the ground and throws me toward the wall. The air escapes my lungs, and all I can do is open my mouth in a silent scream.

He bites my throat, latching on and pinning me to the wall.

I slacken in his arms as he sucks my neck. If only he didn’t stop and drop me. If only he would give me my final donation.
