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I could purchase the entire world five times over with the amount contained in here.

My mother swims down to it, picks up a handful of coins, lets them slide through her fingers.

It’s been in the family for generations,Mother says,but we’ve all added to it.She finds a silver ring with a diamond in the center. She strokes her finger across it.I took this off a sailor who fell overboard during a storm. The sea swallowed his cries as I pried it from his pocket. I think he was saving it for a sweetheart back home.

And this,she continues, pulling up a gold plate and fork,fell off a vessel near your Seventeen Isles. As soon as we knew there was treasure aboard, we sang to the rest of the men, demanding they throw everything valuable overboard. When they were done, we had them toss themselves in afterward. So we could enjoy them.

I keep my face carefully neutral, but she asks,Does that trouble you?

What she’s revealed is disturbing. It’s wrong by my code of ethics. By my human nature. But I can also see it from the pointof the siren in me. It’s natural. The way of sirens. Would one blame a tiger for hunting a human as its prey?

I have killed many men,I say.

But do you enjoy them first?

No, I onlyenjoythe men I like. Not the ones I intend to kill.

She turns back toward the treasure.He took you from me. Someday, I will add his gold to this pile, and I will think with pleasure on how he died.

I hope that time comes soon,I say.I hate that he kept us apart. But I like being who I am. My human side may disgust you, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

But justlookat you,she says. Her hand goes to my sleeve, pulls it up to reveal all the scars there.You must be covered in these. He did this to you, didn’t he?

It was part of my training.

She lets out a sound so inhuman, I don’t even have the words to describe it.You were meant to be with me, not to suffer! You were meant to swim with the charm, add memories to this pile of gold. To hunt for colorful shells, dance in the currents. To observe the sea life, to sing with your family, to explore every hidden crevice the ocean possesses. Our existence is a full and happy one. You were not meant to be beaten!

She composes herself, pulls me toward her in another embrace.My dear girl, he will not harm you again. Stay with me, and I will protect you.

As much as I want to believe her, to let her, even, I know I cannot.I cannot. I have those I must protect.

Your crew.


A pause.You’re not here for me at all. You’re here for the treasure.

I want to say no, but I don’t think she would believe me.I thought you abandoned me. I thought you used me so I would free you, faked your concern for me. After I freed you, the pirate king came after me. He’s hunting me. He can’t be too far behind my ship. I thought if I could get my hands on the treasure, I could bribe his men away from him, set myself up as the pirate queen. I came here to survive. Not because I wanted to steal from you. Although, when I thought you used me, stealing from you didn’t seem like such a bad thing.

Her face softens at my words.I do not have concern for you. Iloveyou, Alosa-lina.The way she sings the last part of my name, it fills the room with truth, with power. It’s impossible for me to doubt.Mere concern is nothing compared to what I feel for my own flesh and blood. You are mine. Mine to protect and care for. I already know you are fierce and powerful, and I cannot wait to get to know you better.

My limbs tremble as she holds me, knowing every word she speaks is true.

But first,she says,you must make yourself and your friends safe. Take as much gold as you need from here. Go set up your regime. I will wait for you.

My relief sags through me.Thank you.

The charm will not harm you nor your crew.

Even the men?I ask.

Even them. Now go. Bring your ship to this position. The charm will help you carry the gold that isn’t claimed by living sirens.

It’s almost too good to be true, but I cannot doubt her words. Not the way she speaks them.

To go from such hate and disgust toward my mother, to suddenly being filled with love and understanding. It nearly undoes me. I cannot believe all that has happened.

Yet there is still so much to do.

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