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I make my way into the kitchen and, sure enough, she's standing with Kennedy and Amelia, laughing about something. “Like she can feel me the same way I feel her, she turns her head and our eyes lock. Hatred burns in hers, only to be met by longing in mine. Without a single care, she looks away and goes back to ignoring me.”

Fuck it. Jace is right. I need a drink.

ALCOHOL COURSES THROUGH MYbloodstream, altering my sense of self-preservation and giving me liquid courage. Tye is sitting on the island with her legs dangling. She takes a sip of her beer, and I watch as she licks her lips. I don't know how she makes something so simple look so fucking erotic, but I could get drunk on that alone. The way her I'm With The Band T-shirt hangs off one shoulder makes my dick twitch inside my jeans, and all I can picture is kissing her soft skin.

Bravely, I walk over to her and place my hands on either side of her legs. She almost looks surprised by my actions, yet she doesn't push me away. It's not a win by any means, but I'll take it.

"What do you want, Carter?"

I sigh, feeling like I'll only get this chance once. "The same thing I've always wanted."

The corners of her lips twitch, but she doesn't let a smile show. "You're drunk."

"Not drunk enough to not know what I'm saying." I take a small step closer and invade her space. "Why didn't you ever give us a chance? You knew I wanted you. Hell, I went to the party that night looking for you. But you seemed so uninterested."

The air between us seems to crackle with tension. I can feel it pulling at me. Daring me to do something about it. And fuck, do I want to.

"Who says I wasn't?"

Shrugging, I let my hands lightly graze her legs. She clenches them together, almost like she’s trying to hide that she’s having any reaction to me at all, but I can tell. It’s all in her body language, and it’s screaming for me.

"Were you?"

There's her chance. She could put me in my place so easily by telling me she never felt anything; that I imagined it all and worked it up to something it wasn't. But she doesn't. Instead, she just stares back at me. There's a good chance the only reason she hasn't pushed me away yet is because she's just as drunk as I am, but that doesn't matter right now. All that matters is the way she's looking at me right now.

If I had the guts and didn't think she would chop my dick off in my sleep for doing it, I'd kiss her— right here, right now. She's so close that all I would have to do is pull her in real fast. It would be that simple. Hell, she probably wouldn't even be expecting it. But I won't. Nothing good would come of that. Not while she hates me this much.

She rips her eyes away from mine, like she finally realized what she was doing, and focuses down on her lap. "It doesn't matter. You can't change the past any more than I can. What's done is done."

The tone of her voice, the honesty in it, threatens to rip me apart at the seams. Still, it's not a denial. She can't tell me she didn't want me.

"What if we could? What if rewriting it all was a possibility?"

Her arms come up to rest on my shoulders, and I'm itching with the need to pull her closer. She glances down at my mouth and back up.

"If I could change anything I want?"

I nod, making her smirk, but instead of kissing me like I was hoping, she rams her knee right into my balls. I hunch over as pain so intense I almost throw up radiates through my whole body. Tye hops off the island and moves her lips to the shell of my ear.

"I'd make it so I never met you," she whispers. "Maybe then Davi would still be alive."

With that, she pushes her way through the party and out the front door. My eyes manage to find Jace, and he raises his beer at me with an arrogant grin on his face that I'd like to deck him for. Prick.

It takes me a couple minutes to recover, and when I do, I slip outside just in time to see Tye getting into the same black SUV as last time. She sticks her arm out the window and rests her head on it as he drives away, making her hair blow in the wind.

"They're cute together," Kennedy says, coming out of nowhere.

I damn near choke on air. "Excuse me?"

"The two of them." She nods at where you can still see the taillights fade into the distance. "He's good to her."

Her words threaten to knock me on my ass. "Tye doesn't do the whole boyfriend thing."

Tilting her head from side to side, she shrugs. "I don't know if they’ve given it a label, but I think she's warming up to the idea. Noah would do anything for her.”

I don’t even think she realizes the damage she’s causing as she speaks, but all I can focus on is his name. Noah.

I’ve heard it before, last week, when she was getting into his car. I just didn’t put it together until now.
