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“It’s probably all the stress. You’re on the shot, right? Can’t that stop your periods altogether?”

I nod again. “It can, but I’ve always been regular.”

“So it’s probably nothing,” she suggests.

“I have a doctor’s appointment at the end of the month.”

“Don’t panic, you probably got your dates messed up or something.” She goes back to the bed, but I’m rooted to the spot, disbelief coating every cell of my body.

I can’t be pregnant.

I just can’t.

“Promise me you won’t breathe a word of this to Cole.”

“Jesus, Hadley, what do you take me for? He would totally freak.” I pale and she winces. “Shit, that came out wrong. I just mean...”

“It’s okay.” I don’t need her to tell me that. “I just can’t go through this ag—” I immediately stop myself but it’s too late. Remi is gawking at me.

“What do you mean?”

“N-nothing. Forget it.”

“Don’t do that. Don’t shut me out, Hads.”

“It’s not what you think, I promise.” The words sour on my tongue.

She eyes me carefully. “Maybe we should sneak out and go to the store to buy a test? So you at least have peace of mind.”

“No.” I shake my head. “I’m sure you’re right, it’s probably nothing.”

I think she’s going to push, but instead she says, “Are we watching a film then, or what?”

And just like that, all the awkward tension melts away.

We spend the evening watching films and eating junk food. Living in the dorms at Sterling Prep can be pretty lonely, especially for a girl like me, so I appreciate Remi’s company.

“That’s Cole.” Her fingers fly across the screen. “He’s itching to come over, but I told him to stay put. Ace is picking me up soon. He’s taking me out.”

“Ooh, hot date?” I tease.

“Actually, he’s taking me to finally get my birthday tattoo.”

“You’re going to the Heights?” I balk.

“Relax, we’re going to his boss’ shop. There’s a spare room there, and we hang out sometimes. Cruz is meeting us there.”

“Just be careful, okay?”

Sympathy fills her eyes. “We could have gone to the authorities.”

“No, we couldn’t.”

“Yeah, you’re right. But Ace is working on Cole to tell James. He can help.”

“He is?” My eyes grow to saucers.

“Well, yeah. Cole can’t keep working for Donny, Hads. It’s too dangerous. And James—”
