Page 13 of The Vacation Toy

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He got to her before I could, but that was okay. Devin was always quick on the trigger, and never shy to make the first move. Reese, probably even more so.

Unlike my friends however, I liked to take my time with things.

Holy shit…

Devon’s lips met hers, and I saw his jaw rotate slowly as his hand went to Brooke’s perfect, porcelain face. She really was beyond beautiful; gorgeous yet pretty in a girl-next-door type of way. That is, if the girl next door to you was voluptuous and sensual and had the most wild blue eyes you’d ever seen in your life.

Memories came flooding back, as I watched my friend kiss our beautiful, raven-haired host. Images of the things we’d done back in our apartment, the nights we’d spent kissing and touching and delivering pleasure to a much different woman, one who always demanded to be the center of our attention. And yeah, probably a littletoomuch.


I pushed those recollections aside in order to focus on the here and now. We were inTahiti,for fuck’s sake! Aqua blue waters, virgin white sand. A whole week of nothing but drinking and exploring and maybe some snorkeling and deep-sea fishing, in between all the drinking and laughing and laying around.

And now this…

Enthralled, I watched as Devin eventually passed our host to Reese, who’d been not-so-patiently waiting his turn. He picked up where our friend left off, taking Brooke’s face in his hands and kissing her wet, beautiful mouth. The pouty little smile we’d enjoyed all night had been mischievous and sexy, and beneath it she had those perfect, kissable lips; as thick as they were soft.

I knew it before I even kissed her. I knew it just fromwatching.

Easy, Hayden.

My arousal grew, knowing that I had her next. Knowing that in just a minute, it would be my tongue swirling its way through her pretty little mouth. For now I took pleasure in watchingherpleasure — something I’d learned long ago that I truly enjoyed.

I just never knew how much I’d enjoy watching others elicit those reactions… from a woman we sharedbetweenus.

Still, there was something I’d always found sensuous about studying a woman’s rapture. That penultimate moment where her face scrunches in what looks to be confusion, just before the first waves of orgasm take over, or that gratified bliss that follows those first few moments after consummation. Those soft sighs and secret smiles that only come with that first thrust, that very first penetration, as your eyes search each other’s for meaning, for trust, for ratification.

Brooke wasn’t just getting kissed by my friends, she was kissingback. Giving it to them every bit as good as she was getting it, as her long, painted fingernails wandered behind Reese’s head to sift through his thick brown hair.

I tapped him on the shoulder, just as Devin was making a face. Either he’d gotten short changed or Reese was taking advantage. Possibly both.

“My turn.”

I didn’t wait for Brooke to recover, I spun her right into my arms. She looked up at me breathlessly, still dazed, still lost in a haze of her own heat and arousal. I felt almost like a magician bringing her out of a trance, up until she reached up and pulled my lips forcefully against hers…

Oh my God.

They were every bit as soft, as fragrant, as totally eager as I figured they would be. And they werehot!Alive with a heat all their own, as her tongue slipped past my teeth and sought mine.

Shit yes.

I kissed her back, inhaling the sweet, body wash-driven scent of her. Welcoming her efforts as her tongue surged warmly into my own mouth, as my hands slid past her hips and around back, where they spread boldly down over the very top of her round, curvaceous ass.

The others were watching us, I knew without looking. Most likely wondering how far I’d go, how far she’d let me take things, as well as regretting not going that far themselves. The question was answered with a gentle squeeze of Brooke’s hands on my biceps, testing the size and firmness there, before she finally pulled back and spun from my arms.

Sitting there breathlessly between the three of us, we waited for her to recover.

“Okay,” she sighed softly. “Nowthatwasn’t half bad.”

Devin let out a short laugh. “So it was only half good?”

“It was…” Her pretty blue eyes rolled thoughtfully as she tried to come up with the right wording. “Definitely hotter than I expected.”

“If you think that’s hot,” said Reese, “you should see what happens next.”
