Page 11 of The Vacation Toy

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“We were all dating her,” Hayden said nonchalantly. “The three of us. We had been for more than a year, up to and pretty much including the Race itself.”

Now it was my turn to be stunned.

“The…threeof you,” I confirmed, tilting my head skeptically.



“That’s right.”

A warm feeling stole over me, as I thought about the implications of what they were saying. I began thinking back to the race, and even to when I watched the airing of the episodes themselves. The way they’d interacted with Melissa. The way she’d been such a confident badass in the face of these three ripped, powerful guys. Always laughing at them, poking them, touching them. Sometimes even needling them for shock value.

“I guess I kinda figured one of you might’ve dated her in the past,” I admitted. “You all seemed a little too familiar with her.”

Reese let out a low chuckle. “You could say that, yeah.”

“But I never once thought…”

My sentence trailed off into a mess of wild, butterfly-inducing possibilities. I started remembering specifics, like the way Melissa had always fallen into the guys’ arms after completing a challenge. The familiar way they’d placed their hands on her hips while she was climbing a ladder, or getting into a boat, or coming down from a horse.

“And you allsleptwith her?” I breathed.

Devin looked at the others. They nodded.

“You took turns with her then, or…”

“Sometimes,” he replied with a shrug. “Other times we just did her together.”

There was a roller coaster in my stomach. It crested a very high rise, then took a huge, sexy plunge. “Together… you mean at the same time?”

“As much as possible, yeah.”

“Oh my GOD!”

My surprise was apparently amusing to them. The boys had gone from looking guarded to actually smirking at me. As I sat there with one hand over my mouth, Reese cracked another round of beers and passed them out.

“And you dated her for ayearlike that?” I swore. “How’d that even happen!?”

“We didn’t plan it,” said Hayden, “if that’s what you’re thinking. We’d all moved and gotten each other jobs after graduation, so the three of us were working together. It seemed only natural to share an apartment, and Melissa was a tenant in one of the units above us.”

I tried to picture it: the three of them, all doing the badass bitch. During the Race she’s been so wild, so intimidating. So full of life and energy and athleticism. Exactly the type of woman who might need three boyfriends instead of one.

“She came downstairs a lot,” Reese continued, “and hung out with one or more of us. We’d have dinner together, watch a movie — that sort of thing. One night after a few bottles of wine, she ended up in our beds.” He took a slow pull from his bottle before adding, “Allof our beds.”

“Damn,” I swore. “That’s…”

“Sexy?” Devin offered.

I laughed. “Yeah. I can’t argue that.” I still couldn’t believe it! “And you guys dated her for a year?”

“Again, it wasn’t something we planned,” Devin explained. “Melissa was always around, and the three of us were all between girlfriends at the time. The attraction and chemistry were both there, and she was wild enough to roll with it. We did it once, twice, three times… after that we all just sort of stopped looking for other relationships. Especially since we had the best of both worlds.”

My brows crossed. “What do you mean by that?”

“Ever get a new boyfriend, and suddenly you’re not spending nearly as much time with your friends?” asked Hayden.
