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Most evenings I headed back there to finish a few odds and ends, but I only had two big pieces left to cast. These were my show-stoppers; the sculptures I’d spent the most work modifying and refining. One would be bronze, the other straight copper, and both would be heavy as hell. The materials themselves would be expensive enough, but I’d saved all summer long and stashed away the funds..

Usually I’d arrive home around five-thirty, only to eat dinner with one or more of the boys and hang out until eleven or so. In between we’d curl up on the couch and watch television, but since the guys were so exhausted from working double-shifts this usually turned into them falling asleep in my lap.

That was fine by me, mostly because it was adorable as hell. I loved being there for them and rubbing them down after a long day. I loved cooking for them when I could. I loved playing with their hair, or tracing the sensitive skin on the insides of their forearms or foreheads as they lay sprawled over the couch, and usually me.

Late at night though…

Well, late at night (or to be more accurate, the wee hours of the morning) seemed to beourtime. I’d come home sometime before dawn, ready to catch a few hours of sleep before doing it all over again. Slipping into the bed, I’d usually wake one or more of them. More specifically, whoever’s turn it was to sleep with me… plus whoever else was still tossing and turning around that hour.

There was the night I found Brock naked and fully hard in my bed, hugging my pillow as I climbed beneath the sheets with him. I was so horny I mounted him right then and there, waking him up by sliding myself slowly down over his beautiful railroad spike of a dick.

On another night I was with Valerio at 2am, screwing each other’s socks off. We made so much noise we woke up Kade, who proceeded to enter the bedroom and peel off his shirt so casually it was like he’d done it a thousand times before.

“This isn’t your night,” Valerio chuckled as he protested only half-heartedly. “This isn’t your—”

“Rules are rules,” Kade shrugged, stroking himself a few times on the way to the bed. “Remember what we agreed to: any of us, anytime, anywhere…”

He approached me from the front, guiding my head over his swollen thickness as I continued getting railed from behind. I swallowed him eagerly, loving the idea of being taken at any moment, for any reason, and being able to satisfy them all.

And oh, how they satisfiedme.

I was never left unoccupied, unused, or unsated. There were stretches of time when all we did was sleep of course, but for the most part we always fucked until we all drifted off. It turned out that climaxing hard was just as much of a sleep-aid for the guys as it was for me, and we used each other’s bodies to not only get our rocks off, but to fall into that wonderfully-rejuvenating slumber that came only from delirious, sleep-deprived exhaustion. There were times I was awakened solely by my legs being spread, my body being used, but the resulting pleasure I both received and delivered more than made up for the cost of having to drift back off to sleep again.

And when I finally did, a smile was usually plastered across my tired face.

Not much work got done around the house, but that would come in January, after the holiday season. In the meantime we decorated, and enjoyed the tree. The four of us were constantly playing Christmas music, and eternally stoking the coal stove. As dark and cold as it was outside, the house was always warm and cozy to the point of beingtoohot. This was fine by me, because the guys liked walking around shirtless and barefoot, practically naked except for a pair of sweats or boxer shorts. After a few complaints on their end that I was wearing entirely too many clothes, I began parading around in boy shorts and half-shirts and sometimes even a few things they’d purchased to be meant for the bedroom… but since our entirehousewas a bedroom and it was open season on my willing body?

I wore whatever I wanted, wherever I wanted.

Slowly, over time, Christmas presents began piling up beneath the tree. First these were gifts from the guys to each other, but then there were adorably-wrapped presents with my name on them as well.

I shook them, felt them, did everything but peel them open. And then I started asking for hints on whattheywanted, and how I could best satisfy their own Christmas wishes. I had the feeling I could draw my knees up to my chest and just sit beneath the tree on Christmas morning with a bright red bow on my head, but I wanted to get them other things too. Cool things. Funny things. Presents that showed thoughtfulness on my part, and also how grateful I was that they’d let me stay with them.

In the days before Christmas things got even more intense. Tree sales had slowed down, and the guys were focused on other things. They also focused onme. I was about to be off work for a week, and they wanted to take me somewhere. They were looking for a few days alone with me, somewhere new and exciting.

“Give me two more nights at the foundry,” I’d told them. “Two more projects. I’ll finish them up, and prep them for the show.”

Standing between them, I’d let my hands roam freely over three very distinct, very hard male bodies.

“After that,” I purred, adding a deliberately sexy sigh. “I’mallyours…”



I stared back at my mother and father, unable to move. They shared the same apologetic expression. Apologetic… but also expectant.

“You’re really leaving?” I croaked.

My mother shook her head slowly, the way she always did when she wanted me to understand something. I’d seen her the same way since childhood. But for the first time in my adult life, I was noticing how much of her beautiful dark hair was streaked with grey.

“We’releaving,” she corrected me. “All of us.”

“But what about work?”

“The opportunities up here were good,” my father cut in, “and we took advantage of them. But they’re drying up now. They’re nothing like they used to be, back when we first came here.”

He looked more apologetic than my mother, but not by much. I knew he’d stand in solidarity with her no matter what. She could murder someone in cold blood, and he’d immediately start looking for a place to hide the body. I actually admired him for that.

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