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“Because if you’re threatening me with something we can talk to the ‘old man’ right now,” I sneered. “And we can also—”

My co-worker pivoted on his heel and disappeared just as abruptly as he’d shown up. It happened so fast, I actually chuckled.

I guess the sidling goes both ways.

Pulling off my gloves, I turned back to the barrel of dirty water and plunged my arms in up to the elbows. The casting would be broken free of the plaster by now. It should also be cool enough to—


I found what I was looking for and pulled it out: the oversized statue of a chess piece, perfectly cast in bronze. The piece was a queen. I knew this because I’d watched a very cool special on a female grand-master on Netflix a few months back.


It almost pained me to remember back that far, to when I actually had time to do things like watch television. Right now it was non-stop work for the foundry — like right here, pouring molds on a Sunday — or working on pieces for myself. I looked forward to the New Year, not just because of the show, but because once the show was over I could actually relax a little.

Yes, but can youreally?

I shook the piece over the water a few times and smiled. Based on the situation I was in, probably not. Then again, spending any amount of time with the guys would be relaxing, even if we were physically ‘busy’. I always felt totally at ease around them. So much more than I ever did with Drake.

I took the piece to the cutting wheel and began slicing off the sprue. It would take at least an hour of grinding to get the statue — which would apparently be some kind of fancy chess trophy — smooth enough to start burnishing it. Another half-hour after that I’d have it all shined up, using various polishing cloths.

My mind wandered to Kade, and his abrupt disappearance from my bed. I’d texted him at lunch to make sure he was okay, and he replied with an unnecessary apology. He also told me he’d explain later.


Just the idea of going ‘home’ to the guys tonight made me giddy. It was so much nicer than heading back to an empty apartment. So much more fun and exciting to be going to a warmly-lit home, to be around people that made me feel as welcome as one of their own family. In such a short time, they really made me feel like I belonged. With each of them. With all of them.

And I looked forward to showing them how much they belonged tome.



I dropped the two big bags on the counter, along with my keys. The whiff of salty, savory Chinese food wafted over me, making my mouth water.


The house was dimly lit, but warm. From the other room, I heard someone grunt a cheerless response.


I was getting to know them even by their non-verbal cues. A few strides brought me into the living room, where Kade was sitting on the couch, clutching his temples with a thumb and forefinger.

“What’s wrong?”

“Sorry,” he replied flatly. “Migraine.”


“No big deal,” he sighed, taking his hand away. “I was just—”

He went to rise, but I pushed him back down mid-movement. Climbing behind him, I placed my hands on either side of his skull and began to rub slow, gentle circles.

“Close your eyes,” I told him. “And don’t move.”

He paused for a second or two, then did as he was told. His shoulders slumped as he settled back against me.

