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I let out a sharp, barking laugh. “You think I’m giving them up? Look at how many dishes I just got out of!”

They still looked skeptical, but a lot less so. This time it was Gage who stepped up.

“Tell you what,” he said. “Give us one tell each. If we agree that you’re not making them up, you don’t have to do the dishes for a month.”

My smile widened. “A month without dishes, huh? What else?”

“What else do you want?”

I thought for a moment. “How about you boys wait on me hand and foot?”

Maverick frowned. “Waiton you…”

“That’s right. You bring me things. Do stuff for me. That sort of thing.”

“Fine,” he grumbled. “We’ll bring you things. Now go ahead. Give us these so-called ‘tells.’”

I cleared my throat. “Alright,” I said, pushing off the wall. “Well for one, you all have a habit of grabbing my hips, right before you let loose.”

“That’s not a tell!” exclaimed Maverick. “Every guy in the world does that.”

“Did I say I was finished?” I smirked back at him. The trio fell silent again. Slowly I walked around them in a circle, like a detective examining his three main suspects.

“So yeah, you all grab my hips right before, well, you know… except that one of you doesn’t tighten your fingers all at once. One of you actuallydrumsyour fingers against my ass one at a time, pinky to thumb, beforereallydigging in…”

Maverick and Gage looked at each other curiously. Devyn however, had turned a shade redder.

“You?” Gage swore.

“Yeah, I suppose I do that,” Devyn admitted sheepishly.

Maverick shook his head, then folded his arms. “Alright fine. What else?”

“So you’ve all screwed me sideways,” I said, glaring back at him. “Butyou’rethe only one who grabs my ankle and points my toes at the ceiling.” I chuckled gruffly. “I love it of course, but it makes me feel like a ballet dancer. Or at least, a very dirty one.”

Maverick’s face scrunched up in defeat as I turned toward Gage.

“By process of elimination that would’ve left you as the third man,” I explained, squeezing his bicep, “even if I hadn’t reached out to touch your arm. But your arms are way longer than the others, by the way. Fingers to elbow, elbow to shoulder… I knew it was you the moment I measured how long that taut, beautiful arm was. Not to mention you entering the room early because youalwayslike to watch.”

Gage tried on his best expression of mock anger, but he failed miserably. In the end, he just laughed and shrugged.

“Next time we’re tying your hands to the bedposts,” Devyn stepped in. “So you can’t get any tactile advantage.”

“Then I’ll getanotheradvantage,” I beamed back at him. “Trust me. I’m resourceful.”

I strutted in the direction of the living room, and all three of them followed. Dropping into my favorite spot on the couch, I held out my hand and grinned back at them.

“Someone remote me?”

After some muttering, Devyn handed me the remote.


There were a pair of sighs, followed by the sounds of rock paper scissors between the other two men. A moment later, Gage disappeared into the kitchen.

“I get to pick the movie tonight, right?”

I was pushing it now and I knew it, but I wanted to see just how far they’d go. When they balked again I grinned, then motioned to either side of the couch.

“Oh get down here,” I chuckled. “The three of you can pick the movie. You can even pick the snacks if you want, and the drinks too.”

Extending my tired legs, I plopped them into Maverick’s lap and playfully wriggled my toes.

“As long as you rub my feet...”
