Page 14 of Lakeside Daddy

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Reyn picks himself up off the floor and has the good sense to look ashamed. He points to the other man.

"That son of a bitch was attacking my sister."

My brows go up and I look over at a very red-faced Roxy. Even though she's embarrassed she's still not backing down from her brother.

"No, he wasn't. He wasn't attacking me you big dumb jerk. I kissed him."

Now I'm sure you can't see my eyebrows at all because they feel like they are in my hairline. I move closer to Reyn because he won't go through me to hurt the man. I'm hoping it helps to prevent another brawl.

"Wasn't there something he found out about the guy stalking me?" he looks down at me and I can tell the minute he gives up on trying to plow the other guy through the floor. "Shouldn't we listen to what he has to say before you go after him for wronging your sister?"

I move closer to him so only he can hear me, "Technically you were doing the same thing to me not moments ago."

"That's different. You belong with me. You're mine," I raise my eyebrows at him so that he knows this conversation isn't done. "Besides I only want to take care of you and make you happy. He just wants to go around kissing young girls and getting them into trouble."

The man's eyes narrow and I can tell if I don't do something quickly the two of them will be back on the floor. I step forward with my hand extended and a smile on my face and pull out the charm I’m known for.

"Hello, I'm Tracie Mason and you must be the man who is going to tell me who is stalking me. Reyn tells me your father works for him as well."

Before I can go too far, Reyn's arms wrap around my waist, halting me from going all the way. I turn to look at what he's up to. His eyes are shooting sparks and there is so much possession on his face, even I am taken aback.

"Her, I will kill you over. Don't touch." It's more of a growl than anything and causes me to pull my hand back and use it to stroke the arm that feels like a living breathing band of steel around me. I shouldn't play into how much of a possessive caveman this guy is but I can't seem to help it. He makes me feel safe.

He gives a slight nod of his head to Reyn as if he understands where Reyn is coming from and is in agreement. Even though the two don't stop shooting daggers at each other some of the tension leaves the room, even when Roxy takes a seat by the kitchen island next to him.

"You can call me Tom, everyone does. You met my dad?" I can tell by how he doesn't jump right into the dark negative stuff that the guy is a natural charmer. "He's a hoot isn't he?" It's not really a question but I find myself answering anyway.

"He put a tracker on my cell phone I didn't know about it. And I'm sure there's been other things he's done for Reyn where I'm concerned," Tom looks shocked for just a minute and then offers a nod of his head like he is in acceptance of who and what his father is and who they both work for.

He looks behind me at Reyn. "You want to talk about this with them in here or..."

A part of me, the natural feminist, wants to kick both of them in the balls and tell them that we women can take anything they have to give us. The scared little girl part of me doesn't know if I want to hear this or not.

"I'd rather them know than wind up stepping into something that gets them hurt because I felt like they couldn't handle it. I don't hide anything from my woman," I beam and when I look at Roxy, she's smiling at the two of us.

Tom nods and turns to pick up a laptop that somehow wasn't destroyed in the tussle. When he turns back he has what looks to be a driver’s licenses picture pulled up. When I take a closer look, I gasp. I know this man. Well, I don't know him but I've met him before.

"Oh my God, I've met with him before and decided I didn't want to work for him. He didn't pass the background check I did on him for the finance part of the project and I got a very weird, wrong vibe about him."

I don't realize I'm having trouble breathing until Reyn's warm hand moves from my hip to right in between my breasts. Somehow the move isn't at all sexual and he gives just enough pressure that the weight is actually comforting. He whispers in my ear, all the fine little hairs there dance and distract me enough that I take in a deep breath.

"Breath, Baby. I have you and everything is going to be alright."

Roxy gives me a worried look but quickly turns and when she comes back she hands me a glass of water. I didn't realize how thirsty I was until she handed me the glass.

"Eugene Smith. He's a local from the city. Nothing special until you realize Smith ain't his real last name."

He turns the computer away and hits buttons so fast I swear I can barely see his fingers move across the keyboard. He turns the laptop back around and this time I'm looking at a newspaper article about a local photographer that was raped while she was doing a photo shoot with a guy who supposedly had a family he wanted to have photographed. He hits a button and a local artist is talking about the time someone came into her gallery to buy a painting and tried to rape her. All that stopped it from happening was a friend, who came in to work early that day. She goes on to tell people, especially local female artists, to be safe and stay vigilant.

"There's no name on this one, how can you be sure it's the same guy?" I try to look for something that will make me feel better about being around someone who could hurt another human being.

"DNA on the confirmed rape a state away. And I cross checked appointment logs and online security cameras that the artist gave the police. Don't tell anyone about that last thing? I wasn't supposed to be there or have access to that


I can see why Roxy would want to kiss this guy. He turned all boyish charm when he admitted to hacking into the police files. His smile soon drops and he looks behind me to Reyn.

"He's got a pattern and he's done it before."

"More than these two times and with my Tracie?" I hear how pissed Reyn is and for once I am glad he is who he is. Someone attacking innocent women would never be okay with a man like Reyn. He's a protector first and foremost.

Tom shakes his head in the affirmative and there's a fire in his eyes too. Maybe Reyn isn't the only one with that protector gene on overdrive. It makes sense for someone like Roxy to be attracted to that since she gets it with her brother often enough. I find myself secretly rooting for Roxy and Tom and whatever they got going on with them.

It can’t be easy for someone having a protective older brother watching out for you all the time but she really is a sweet woman. I can see us being friends and what's more, I can see us both having stories to tell about how awful Reyn is acting but how much we love the way he is. I worry that might not be the only thing I could come to love about Reyn. I also wonder, very briefly, because some part of me is a sick, kinky bitch, if Tom is into the whole Daddy thing like Reyn is. If he is Roxy is sure going to have a fun time when it comes to getting experience and losing her cherry.
