Page 17 of Enchanted Fairytale

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But on the other hand, the beast was stolen from- for years.

If I was stolen from, I’d want revenge too.

Maybe I can use this to my advantage. Maybe I can get to know the beast and make my escape.

Spending time with the beast doesn’t sound too awful. Plus, he is pretty hot. He didn’t seem to mind walking around naked, and I wasn’t complaining.

Moisture gathers in my panties. Am I horny right now? My nipples harden, and not from the cold.

Yep. I am locked up in this tower and am horny.

I’m a monster. How can I be turned on in a situation like this?

The last time I felt this turned on was years ago. I haven’t felt this way since Gavin. An image of Gavin naked in bed pops into my mind.

My body shudders. Ugh, Gavin is not who I want to be thinking about right now.

The tower vibrates as a loud boom reverberates around the castle.

What the fuck was that?

I sit up and hold my breath, waiting for something, anything, to happen.

Nothing does.

It is completely silent.

Even the whispers are gone.

I lay back down and try to steady my pounding heart. Footsteps echo on the stone stairs.

Someone is coming and after that loud boom, I’m not so sure they are friendly.

My eyes clamp shut and my body fills with dread with each approaching footstep.
