Page 16 of Daddy's Property

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Her cheeks pinkened as she watched me. Her eyes were dilated, her breath coming in short little pants. She wasn’t just being sassy anymore. She was clearly aroused and feeling very feisty with all the liquid courage that was in her veins.

“Or else what, Mason? What will you do?” she pushed. Her legs opened just a little and I gripped the armrests of my chair in one last attempt at holding myself together. She was plastered and only nineteen. If word ever got out that I lost control around her like this, it would be the end of my career. I took a deep breath, ignoring the constant pulsing of my aching cock. I buried my arousal down deep.

I was just about to say something when I noticed that she was no longer looking at me. I watched as she curled up on the couch and laid her head down on her hands, closing her eyes. In seconds, her breathing evened out, and her body slumped into the cushions. I sat back and shook my head.

She’d passed out here in my office.

Her eyelashes fluttered several times on her cheek, but she didn’t move again. I let her sleep for a little while and finished up the programming that I was working on before I stood up and approached the little thing. Her dress had risen, exposing her panty-clad bottom and I pulled it down out of respect for her. I didn’t want to see her like this. She deserved so much better than that.

She whimpered in her sleep, and I had to pull myself back from comforting her. She was still very much out though. As carefully as I could, I slipped my arms beneath her and picked her up. I did my best not to jostle her as I carried her up to her bedroom. I pulled back the covers and laid her down in bed. I took off her shoes, but that was all. I did not undress her. I simply tucked her in. When she woke up, she would know I put her to bed, but she wouldn’t have to worry about me undressing her or anything else that might scare her. There would be no concern that I’d done anything else either.

I understood her mistake. I’d had my fair share of drunk days when I was younger. It was never fun when you lost time and couldn’t remember what you did the night before. This was the first time I’d seen her drunk even a little. We all made mistakes and I was going to show her that it was going to be okay.

She needed to know that someone was there to care for her when she did something like this.

Once I was sure she was settled in, I went downstairs and fetched a bottle of aspirin as well as a bottle of water. I left both on her nightstand, knowing the little thing was probably going to need them in the morning. Hangovers were the worst part.

Before I left her, I brushed the stray hairs off her face.

“Sleep well, little girl. I’ll see you in the morning,” I whispered.

She didn’t stir when I left the room. I sighed. What had I gotten myself into?

* * *

Cami didn’t come out of her bedroom the next morning until almost lunchtime. I’d left my office door open just so that I could hear the stairs creak when she came downstairs so that I at least knew she was up. I heard the fridge open and close. For a while, it was quiet. I’d left out muffins on the table with the hope they would be easy on her stomach.

It took another hour before there was a soft knock on my door. I looked up to see her in my doorway. She had showered and changed into another outfit. Her t-shirt had a pretty flower design and her black yoga pants fit her well, but I was careful to keep my eyes on her face. She looked tired, a little worn out, and very, very guilty.

“Come in,” I called out gently.

“Hey, Mason,” she murmured shyly. She was staring at the floor as she fidgeted with her hands at her waist.

“How are you feeling?”

“Okay, I guess. I’m really sorry about last night. I didn’t mean to get that drunk and bother you while you were working,” she said softly.

From her blushing apology, to the shameful way that she was stepping back and forth from foot to foot, to her inability to look at me in the eye—she was coming off like a naughty little girl apologizing to her daddy, knowing full well she was about to be taken over his knee for a hard spanking. She was the perfect fantasy come to life. Everything about her demeanor was making my cock very hard.

Fuck. Me. Sideways.

“I know you didn’t, Cami. It’s alright,” I assured her, and she lifted her gaze to mine I cocked my head to the side. “Did you at least have fun?”

“At the party with my friends, yeah,” she replied flatly. I couldn’t tell if I imagined it, but she almost seemed disappointed that I wasn’t reacting like she expected I would.

I wasn’t going to yell at her or get angry. I was certain she’d had more than enough of that in her life. From what I knew of the foster system, it wasn’t an easy way to grow up. She’d never had anyone really stick around in any long-term capacity.

When she had first decided to stay here with me, I’d learned everything about her that I could.

She’d never been in a place for more than two years at a time. She changed schools constantly, but even with all that upheaval in her life, she’d still graduated at the top of her class. She was smart and she deserved a real chance at life.

I was going to give her that.

I knew she wouldn’t be perfect, that she would make mistakes along the way, but it was very important to me that she learn that missteps like this one wouldn’t mean that her world would turn upside down.

“I’m glad you had fun. How’s your head?” I asked with an understanding smile.

“It hurts a little bit, but not too bad,” she admitted.

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