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Bree never wanted to see a crown or a throne ever again, but she was happy enough to attend the courtly balls, especially one celebrating the end of the Tithe and the demon army that had threatened the worlds. She stood in the decorated ballroom, gazing up at the golden ribbons and fluttering banners draped across every surface imaginable.

Lyrical music spilled from harps and violins, and the scent of freshly cooked food wafted toward her. Rafe stood beside her, and she tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow. Eurig stood on her other side with an arm around her waist. Taveon stood just behind her with both hands on her shoulders, massaging gently.

She sighed, smiling. “Well, here we are. The celebratory feast. I never thought we’d make it here.”

“I never had any doubt,” Rafe said with a grin.

Eurig grunted. “I did. Figured we were doomed from the start, but I’m glad to be proven wrong.”

Taveon just nodded. Even though his demon powers had left him, their bond had shifted back into place a few hours after the realms had merged, and she could feel the wounds around his heart beginning to heal. She hoped that part of his healing had to do with her.

It does, he whispered.

Bree leaned into his touch and spotted Norah at the other end of the hall. They weaved through the dense crowd to where she stood with her mates near the throne. Unlike Bree, Norah had not said goodbye to all things royal. The dark fae and light fae had come together to create a new council, one where they could both be represented. After much arguing, they’d settled on Norah remaining queen of all fae. Taveon had agreed to be her Hand.

“I’ll go get you a drink,” Rafe murmured.

Norah’s mates nodded and sprang into action, joining Taveon and Eurig as they followed Rafe over to the table full of drinks and food.

“You look beautiful,” Bree said, nodding toward the glistening silver gown that lit up the entire ball. It matched Norah’s new crown, crafted to represent her new rule.

“You do, too.” Norah nodded at Bree’s gown. It was a deep red, a color that Bree had avoided for a good long while. It had always reminded her too much of blood and the zing of the Redcap’s lust for violence. But the bloodlust had left her that day in the Faerie Ring.

“Thanks.” She grinned. “So, I guess we’re stuck here. Forever.”

Norah laughed. “No more pizza parties on your bed.”

“No more dancing at clubs.”

“No.” Norah gestured at the band playing an upbeat tune. “But we have this.”

“It’s so much more than pizza parties,” Bree admitted.

Rafe returned with a drink and nodded toward the dance floor where Eurig and Taveon waited. A smile consumed Bree’s face. Well, this was certainly new.

“Come on. We can’t fully celebrate without at least one dance.”

Bree arched a brow. “All of you at once?”


With a laugh, Bree shot Norah a wave and followed Rafe into the throng of dancing fae, her heart as light as a feather.

It had all started with bright lights and pulsing music, and so that was the only way it could end. Then, it had been a dingy Manhattan club full of iron and steel and the stench of stale beer. Now, it was a midnight celebration feast in Anwynn, surrounded by three fae mates who she loved more than anything else in all the realms.

Bree was home.
