Page 36 of Drake

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Abby appeared, carrying the salad, extra plates and utensils.

Cassie placed one of the empty plates in front of her and scooped lettuce and chicken onto it.

Drake did the same and poured dressing from a little plastic cup onto the leafy greens.

They ate in silence, Cassie nibbling like a rabbit on the lettuce and spinach leaves. She ate a couple of bites of chicken, determined to get some protein in her system to keep up her strength. If they put the condom to use, she wanted to give as good as she got. Still no hungrier, she forced down enough fuel to sustain her until lunch the following day.

When she’d had enough, she laid down her fork, picked up her glass of whiskey and sipped.

Drake lifted the last bite of the salad to his lips and chewed slowly.

Cassie wanted to scream. “You’re teasing me, right?”

He grinned. “Is it working?”

“If by working you mean, I’m ready to leave, and you’re taking too long, then yes.”

He shook his head. “No. Is it working?”

That heat low in her belly flared into an inferno. If they didn’t leave soon, she might have to drag him into the ladies’ room, block the door and make love against the wall.

His bed with pillows would be much easier and less public.

“Okay,” she said. “Yes. It’s working.” She shifted in her seat, hotter than she’d ever been and still fully dressed.

Abby appeared with the bill.

While she waited for Drake to pull his credit card from his wallet, the younger woman grinned broadly. “I got my DNA results back this afternoon. I can’t wait to go over them and then log into the ancestry database.

“I logged on this morning just to learn how to navigate. My results hadn’t been released yet. Hopefully, by morning, my data will be merged on my profile, and I’ll be able to trace back through my ancestors.”

“It’s a cool undertaking,” Cassie said. “A friend of mine who was adopted found her birth mother through one of the ancestry databases. Sadly, her birth mother had passed. Still, she was able to locate half-brothers and sisters, so she went from being an only child to being one of fourteen. She was so happy to have found family.”

“Wouldn’t it be neat to find aunts, uncles and cousins?” Abby clasped her hands together. “It will also be interesting to see which of my relatives has lupus, dementia and Alzheimer’s. Maybe they’ll have advice on how to deal with all of it.” Abby took Drake’s credit card. “I’ll be right back.”

“I hope Abby’s relatives will be as happy to get to know her as she will be to know them,” Cassie said, her gaze following the kind-hearted young woman who only wanted an extended family to love. With a father who worked long hours and a mother who didn’t recognize her, she was likely starved for affection.

Cassie could relate.

Abby returned with Drake’s card and receipt. He signed the slip, slipped his card into his wallet, pushed to his feet and held out his hand. “Ready?”

“I am.” She placed her hand in his and left the tavern.

In silence, he held her door for her, his hands lightly touching her as he helped her up into her seat.

Then he jogged around to the other side and climbed up into his seat.

Cassie’s pulse sped up as they left the tavern and drove the short distance to Ms. Dottie Kinner’s B&B.

Once again, she allowed him to open the door for her, even though she was fully capable of doing it herself. As he helped her to the ground, she asked. “How does Ms. Dottie feel about you entertaining a woman in your room?”

Drake frowned. “I hadn’t thought about it. I consider it like a hotel room. What I do behind my closed door is my business—as long as I don’t disturb others.” He touched a hand to the small of her back and leaned close. “You’re not a screamer, are you?”

Cassie laughed, her body super sensitive to his touch. She couldn’t wait to get inside and behind his closed door. Unfortunately, they might have to run the gauntlet of the other guests if they weren’t already in their rooms for the night.

Drake led her up the porch stairs and held the door for her as she stepped into the house.

The front room with the sofa and wing-backed chairs was empty. So far, so good.

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