Page 21 of Drake

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Abby stood in front of her car, a frown marring her smooth brow. “Move out of my way, Bryan. I’d like to go home.”

The young man blocked her door with his body. “Not until you talk to me.”

“We’re done talking, Bryan. I broke up with you. The end. We’re over. Now, move so I can go home and get some sleep. I have a test tomorrow I need to study for.”

He shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m not moving until you admit you love me.”

Abby sighed. “I don’t love you, Bryan. You’re too possessive and jealous. I’m not yours to own, and I don’t have time for jealous tantrums. Now, move.”

Bryan’s face darkened.

Cassie could tell the young man wasn’t taking rejection well. She was just about to step through the back door when Bryan made his move.

He lunged for Abby, grabbed her arm and dragged her toward him.

Abby cried out, spun and jerked her arm free.

She ran two steps before Bryan grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her backward.

Cassie ran forward. “Bryan Mosley, let go of Abby’s hair,” she called out in her most authoritative tone. At five feet two, Cassie fought to project power and strength in a commanding voice. But that voice squeaked, making her sound more pathetic than powerful.

It couldn’t be helped. She’d have to get physical to make Bryan let go of Abby.

Channeling her self-defense training, she rushed Bryan, grabbed his arm and twisted it up behind his back.

He let go of the handful of Abby’s hair and flung himself backward, crushing Cassie against the exterior wall of the Blue Moose Tavern and knocking the air from her lungs.

He held her there for what seemed like an eternity in which she couldn’t suck in a deep lungful of air. “Let. Me. Go,” she wheezed.

“Leave me alone,” Bryan said through clenched teeth. “Abby is my girlfriend. She loves me. I won’t let anyone else have her. She’s mine.”

“I don’t belong to anyone, Bryan. Especially not you,” Abby marched up to him. “Let go of Cassie,” she said. “She’s not getting any air with you crushing her. You’re killing her.” Abby pounded the young man’s back.

Without oxygen, Abby’s vision blurred, and her knees weakened. If he didn’t let up soon, she’d pass out. Then what would happen to Abby?

On the verge of everything fading to black, Bryan was dragged backward, losing his grip on Cassie. She slumped to her knees, sucking in deep breaths to fill her starving lungs.

Drake stood in front of her with Bryan’s arm shoved high up between the younger man’s shoulder blades. Bryan danced on his toes to ease the pain.

“Apologize to the ladies,” Drake demanded.

“I didn’t do anything wrong,” Bryan insisted.

“You attacked them. I’d call that wrong.” Drake pushed Bryan’s arm even higher. “They’re waiting.”

“You’re hurting me,” Bryan cried.

“And I’ll hurt you even more if you don’t apologize and promise not to bother these women…ever again. Say it.”

Bryan grunted, his face bright red, sweat beading on his forehead. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry.”

“For what?” Drake asked.

“For bothering you,” Bryan said in a rush.

“And…” Drake prompted.

“And I won’t do it again.”
