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“Can we see her?” John asks.

“Family only right now.” He nods and his dad stands. They follow the nurse down the hall.

I take in a deep breath and Jackson hugs me tight. “She’s gonna be ok.”

They return twenty minutes later with smiles. John sinks into a chair and his face falls into his hands. Tears fall through his fingers. “She’s so fucking strong,” he mumbles. His dad hugs him from the side, and Vera jumps up and hugs him from behind. It’s a rare experience to see the strongest man you know brought to his knees. I’ll be joining him soon.

A few hours pass and a nurse comes out again. “Luke?”

I stand and nod.

“She’s asking for you.”

I follow the nurse and stop in the doorway to Liv’s room to take a fortifying breath. I step inside and around the curtain. Her eyes are closed, but her chest rises and falls. She looks frail and exhausted. Her face is way too pale, making her hair even more red. The machines beep and her monitors display everything going on inside her body.

I stand there watching the woman I love, who almost died to save me, and I’m overcome. Silent tears stream down my face. As if she can sense my distress, her eyes flutter open. Her lips quirk up into a tired smile. “Luke,” she whispers.

I fall to my knees and rest my arms on the bed next to her and sob. Her hand comes to rest on my head, and she runs her fingers through my hair like she did so many times when we were together. I attempt to get my shit together. She doesn’t need this right now. I use my sleeve to wipe my face.

“I’m so sorry, Liv.”

She shakes her head.

I take her hand and hold it. She squeezes back, her grip strong, despite her weakened state. “I’m ok,” she whispers.

“I’m so glad. You have no idea.” Her smile slips as I kiss her knuckles.

“I’m glad you’re ok too,” she says.

I wipe the tears off her face with my thumb. “You’re not allowed to die for me. I forbid it. Please don’t try anything like that again.”

She smirks. “I couldn’t lose you again. Not like that. You do so much good for the world,” she whispers.

I bring her hand to my lips again. “I would burn the world to ashes to see you safe and happy.”

More tears spill over her face. A nurse enters and puts more pain killers into her IV. Her eyes stay on mine as they droop. Her breathing slows and her grip on my hand slackens.

“She needs her rest,” the nurse whispers and dims the lights before leaving.

I linger for a moment, watching her sweet, beautiful face, and thank the universe for not taking her away from me. “I’ll always love you, my fierce Sparrow.”My lips press to her forehead, and I dig deep to find the strength to leave her side.

When I return to the waiting room, I nod at her brother and her dad, and they return the gesture.

I keep going towards the hospital exit. Mark, Fox, Dylan, and Garrett follow, and I head outside into the brilliant morning light. I pause and close my eyes to let the sun warm me for a minute.

“Where to, boss?” Fox asks behind me.

“Maddox,” I say, opening my eyes. This has to end.

Fox grunts in approval and we head down the sidewalk.
