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Itallhappensimpossiblyfast, yet somehow in slow motion. One second, I’m watching Liv struggle with my apology. Then, I’m on the ground with Liv on top of me. There’s gunfire from somewhere and Liv looks at me, but her gaze fills with a sadness that makes my stomach bottom out. Warmth coats my chest and I look down as blood seeps out of her and onto me. I roll her onto her back and yell for Mark, but he’s already there, applying pressure to her wound.

Blood pools out of her mouth and I struggle to contain my panic. I beg her to stay with me. She can’t die. This can’t be it. The universe isn’t that cruel, is it?

She clings to consciousness, and I see her determination.That’s it, my brave girl. Fucking fight!I try to infuse my strength into her. She looks deep into my soul, and I can feel her love for me again. It slams into my chest with the force of a jet engine, and I sob. I tell her I love her. She squeezes my hand. It’s weak, but she’s still there. The ambulance arrives, and she loses consciousness. The EMTs take over and lift her onto a gurney before they wheel her outside.

Brando helps me to my feet. A blonde woman lies on the ground a few feet away, her eyes glassy and open. A gunshot through her forehead.Jeremy kneels next to her, but his eyes are glued to Liv as they lift her into the ambulance outside.

“We’ll get John and Henry, and I’ll call Dr. Lane,” Mark says, pulling my attention away from what must be Amber. He claps me on the shoulder, and I hiss. Mark moves closer and curses as he yanks my collar down, exposing a shallow wound through the top of my shoulder. There was so much of Liv’s blood I didn’t notice it. The bullet must have gone through her and grazed me.

The ambulance carrying Liv screams away in a hurry, taking my heart with it.

I speak with the police and Brando takes me to the hospital. A nurse stitches my shoulder and I wait around for someone to tell me if the woman I love sacrificed herself for me.

Brando, Mark, Fox, and Jeremy are there. Jordy and Jackson walk in with Skye, and she grips me tight. Vera runs into the room and straight for Brando. He wraps her up as she sobs into his chest. Dylan arrives moments later with Garrett. Jeremy disappears at John’s arrival. He’s still in his police uniform and other officers follow him in.

A strangled sound escapes John as I stand to meet him, and he sees her blood all over me.

“What the fuck happened?” he growls. Brando fills him in because I’m too terrified to speak. He winces again when he sees more blood on Mark and Brando. His face falls with each minute Brando speaks and his head drops into his hands. Garrett grips his shoulder.

We all look up when Liv’s dad walks in. John rushes him and they embrace for a long moment. Henry holds an arm out to Vera as she approaches, and he holds them both while they fall apart.

I stand when they approach. “How are you doing, son?” Henry asks.

“I’m losing my mind,” my voice waivers.

“She’ll pull through. She’s a fighter. Always has been.”

I nod and run my hand down my face.

“She saved your life,” he says.

“I wish she wouldn’t have. Please believe I would give anything to trade places with her right now.”

“I know you would. So would everyone else in the room. But we can’t control that.”

“I’m so sorry, Henry.” Emotion cracks through my armor. Compassion fills his gaze and I see a flash of Liv. She had to get her big heart from somewhere. He surprises me by pulling me in for a hug. I return the embrace that lasts a long moment. He steps away with a firm nod.

“She jumped in front of a fucking bullet for you,” John says. His voice cracking with restrained agony.

“I know.” After everything I did to her, she risked her life for me.

Henry squeezes his shoulder and John sighs.

We stay quiet for a while. The officers speak with John and his dad, then leave. Skye leans on Jordy’s shoulder, her eyes red and puffy. Vera and Brando have their heads together a few chairs away.

“She’s here.” Mark says looking at his phone. I nod and sigh in relief. Liv held on long enough for Dr. Lane to arrive.

Hours pass and I fall deeper and deeper into my thoughts of Liv. The way she always looked into my soul when she told me she loved me. Her tinkling laughter that made me love her even more with each note. Her gigantic heart that made room for me and my family. I threw it all away to prevent this very situation we’re in. What a fucking waste. Deep regret settles in my gut and makes my stomach hurt.

More hours pass and Dr. Lane appears. I shoot out of my seat as she walks towards me and everyone faces her. “Luke…” She hesitates when she notices Dylan. The ground below me disappears and I free fall. She looks back at me. “She’s stable.” My descent comes to a screeching halt.

“She’s ok?”

“For now. But it could go either way. The next few hours are critical. It’s up to her.”

“Thank you, Amelie.”
