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“Is that why I had that dream about my dad, too?”

“Yes, but the connection isn’t as strong. In our experience, the blood bond you share with Luke is not supposed to be permanent. We’ll need to figure out why it’s lasted this long.”

Luke squeezes her hand, and she leans into him. “Fox works for Maddox. Is Jim in on this too?” Luke asks.

Raven shakes his head. “Jim Maddox is not a part of this, but I’m able to use the ties to your father and the equipment he uses to our advantage.”

Luke tenses. “You’re the one who hacked into them, stole our data.” He whirls on Fox, whose smirk slips. “You were covering for him from the start,” Luke snarls.

Fox shrugs. “Would you have believed me if I told you everything?”

Luke sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.

“Take a seat. We’ll explain everything,” Raven says.

Luke sits, taking Liv’s hand again. Their world just imploded, so we’ll need to be patient as they adjust. But our lives are changed forever, too. Infinitum most likely knows about Liv and therefore John, and probably me now, too.

I excuse myself as the discussion continues, unable to rehash our long history when they get to the part about my mom. I peek my head into the infirmary to check on Sylvie. She’s asleep, so I sit in the chair near the wall and contemplate our next moves.

I pull out my phone and bring up the feed of John’s room. He lays unconscious against the wall farthest from the wreckage in the room. Chunks of concrete lay in dusty piles amongst broken furniture and appliances. We had to cut the power and water to the room. I rewind the recording and watch the horror unfold in front of me.

Clay is already healed from his injuries he sustained when saving his sister’s life. But she isn’t a super soldier. Her heart monitor beeps a steady rhythm next to me, and I sigh as I take in her mangled body. Her left wrist is broken, her right ankle had to be reset. But she will heal. Her heart, however, I’m not so sure about.

John had no control over his actions. He was pure animal instinct and raw rage. I doubt he’ll handle the fact he almost killed Sylvie. When we first brought him to the bunker, she started calling him a grizzly bear. It was a joke, or more likely a term of endearment. Too bad we didn’t realize how accurate it was.

We won the battle against Infinitum, and our ranks are now fortified, but it’s clear the war has only just begun.
