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IstartleawakeandCharlie drops his palm from my forehead. I’m laying on a huge king-sized bed in what looks like a luxurious apartment with no windows. The look in my mom’s eyes as she sent me to my death flashes like a photograph, and I grip the blanket. The old me would have found fault in myself for her behavior. But I’m done blaming myself for her actions. She proved tonight that she’s a terrible human being. A calm settles over me and I relax. Charlie watches me with concern, resting his elbows on the bed with his knees on the ground.

“You’re the one making me calm all the time with your voodoo magic.”

He smirks. “It’s not magic. And you’re welcome.”

I sigh and sit up, but my body feels like jelly.

“Take it easy. Here, let me help. You’ve been through a lot.” With gentle hands, he helps me sit up and arranges some pillows behind me so I can rest against the headboard.

He grabs a metal canister from the nightstand and unscrews the cap before handing it to me. “Drink this. It will help.”

“More magic?” I take a sip, then a few more as the cool liquid coats my parched mouth.

“It’s a homemade electrolyte drink. Don’t get excited.”

“Where’s Luke?”

“He’ll be here soon.”

I take another drink as I gaze around the room. “So. You’ve been lying to me.” I should be angry, but I'm having a hard time finding the energy.

He nods. “I wanted to tell you.”

“What happens now?”

He sits on the bed. “You get some rest, and then we tell you everything.”

“Those dreams I had of you. They were real?”

He nods. “I was there.”

“And the ones of Luke?”

“They were real too.”

I set the canister on the table and stare at the blanket. It was real. Everything Luke said to me, and everything we did. It was real.Holy shit. He was always there.

“How did this happen? Why am I like this? Where’s my brother? I saw him before I… before I…” I can’t say the words.

He puts a comforting hand on my forearm and more calm seeps into me. “You can’t keep doing that,” I say.

His eyes turn soft, and I’m reminded that if things were different, he’s the person I would regularly turn to for comfort. But they’re not.

“I know. But right now, it could overload your system and cause problems. Once you’ve rested, I’ll back off."

I nod and he angles his head towards the door like he’s hearing something. But it’s not sound, because I feel a change too. Specter and Luke are here with my dad. He watches my expression and smiles. “You’ll get the hang of it. I’ll let your dad answer your questions, but John is here. He’s safe.” I sigh in relief, but once he says the words, I can sense John nearby, too. It’s nothing tangible, just an absolute understanding that his presence is near, almost like when you think a ghost is watching you, but less creepy.

I'm terrified to ask the question, but I have to know. "Am I dangerous?"

He frowns, searching my eyes. "To your enemies, yes. You are very dangerous."

"But you and Specter had to protect Luke, Mark, and my dad from whatever I did." I point to Charlie's shirt which has rips and tears in it, though his skin is unharmed.

"You lost control. In that situation, yes. You were dangerous. But I'm going to train you to harness your abilities so you won't have to worry about that again."

I heave out a sigh and rub my eyes. "Am I going to be able to do the light thing and see the future like you?"

He shrugs. "It's different for everyone. Our abilities manifest over time as we get more comfortable with who we are. The more you accept them, the more you'll be able to do."

The pool of golden light comes to mind, but my attention is drawn to the door as it slides open and Luke appears. He bolts straight to my side and pulls me into his chest. “I’ve got you. We’re going to be ok,” he whispers. All my questions disappear as I sink into his embrace.

Tears leak from my eyes despite Charlie’s calming effect. I can’t believe how close we came to the end again. But the universe has given us a third chance. I grip Luke like a lifeline, letting his comforting words wash over me as I give into my exhaustion.
