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Vera, Skye, and I are sunbathing on the dock while the guys toss around a football in the water nearby. Country music plays from a portable speaker. Luke’s laughter fills my ears and I smile. “So, what happened to Charlie?” Vera asks.

“He’s giving me space to sort things out with Luke,” I say.

“Wow. That’s big of him,” she says.

“He’s a really great guy.”

“So he’s single?” Skye asks with a grin, and we laugh.

“Heads up!” Jackson yells as the football sails towards Vera’s head. Garrett comes out of nowhere and intercepts, catching it but landing in Vera’s lap. They share some intense eye contact before he straightens.

“Thank you,” she says. He nods and jumps back into the water.

“Woah,” I whisper as he moves away.

Vera lets out a long breath. “I’m never going to get over him,” she groans.

“I noticed he’s been friendly with Brando,” I say.

“Brando wants to mend fences with him. He considers him a brother after everything we’ve all been through. So at least they’ll get their happy ending.”

“I don’t know why you guys bother with these assholes. They’re all the same,” Skye says.

Vera and I turn our heads towards her. “Are you still driving Luke insane?” I ask.

She laughs and crosses her legs like a pretzel to face us. “I’ve kind of slowed down with dating. Things are crazy right now. I don’t want to add to Luke’s stress.”

“I’m so sorry about your parents, Skye. What happened to them wasn’t fair.” I squeeze her arm.

She sighs and takes a long drink from her can. “It’s been tough. If it wasn’t for Jordy, I’d be a nervous wreck. Brando has been teaching me self-defense and Jordy takes me to the firing range. But I have bad dreams and wake up screaming sometimes.”

“Does Luke know?”

She shakes her head. “I don’t want him to worry about me. Jordy knows though, and he’s been helping me work through it.”

“You should tell him. He would want to know,” I say.

“Maybe I will after you get back together with him.” Her grin is mischievous.

They both burst into laughter while I try to hide my smile.

“If you ever want to talk about it, I’m here for you. Heavy stuff like that is hard to sort through,” I say to her once they’ve calmed down.

Skye smiles. “Thanks, Liv. I appreciate that.”

“Hi ya’ll!” a voice calls from the dock entrance and our heads whip in that direction. Tina strolls towards us in a bright pink bikini, her long blonde ponytail swaying down her back. She sets her bag next to us and pulls out her towel. “Mind if I join you?”

Garrett hops up on the dock and pecks her lips with a smile. “Hey, babe. Glad you could make it.”

“I’m going for a swim,” Vera announces and dives off the end of the dock.

Garrett jumps in the water and Tina settles next to Skye. “I hope I didn’t scare her off,” Tina says with a smug grin.

“No. That’s not possible.” I stand and hop into the water. I love Garrett, but chicks before dicks. Always.

The guys move over so I can join the game. “Come on, Sparrow, don’t embarrass me,” Brando calls. He tosses me the football, and I set my fingers and throw it to Luke, who’s the farthest away. It sails through the air and Luke catches it at his chest with an enormous smile that makes my heart flutter. Jackson dies of laughter while I wink at Brando.

“John taught me well,” I say.

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