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“How did Luke show up so fast?” I ask.

He turns to me. “I re-routed his GPS for his run.”

I smirk. “Closed streets for construction that doesn’t exist?”

His lip curves up on the side. “Something like that.”

Luke has no clue we’re watching him. We make sure it stays that way. He’s not involved with Infinitum, but his company is. Raven is convinced that someone within Reilly Tech is linked to or even in charge of Infinitum.

I sigh and type in Olivia’s information into the search box. Her license photo pops up with pages of information, including her social media accounts. Looks like she goes by Liv. I do a double take when a picture of her brother pops up. The dude is massive. Almost too massive. A blinking red dot flashes on the toolbar.

“Raven, I think we have something here.”

Raven rolls his chair over next to me as I bring up the tab. We both read the report stating that John and Liv’s dad was a patient in the original Infinitum trials in the eighties. “These are Henry Sutton’s kids?” he asks, tapping a key and flipping to the photo of Liv’s brother.

“Yes. But it says their dad was in the placebo group. Why is Infinitum interested in Liv?”

Raven stares at the photo, lost in thought. “I don’t know,” he says after a moment.

He pushes over to his computer, typing for a while, then he slaps the enter button. He adjusts his screen so I can see it. It looks like a picture of John, but it’s from a few decades ago so it’s clearly their dad. Next to it is a medical chart in my mom’s handwriting.

Raven leans back and crosses his arms, cupping his chin with his index finger and thumb. He sighs and runs his hand over his full dark gray beard.

“What if Henry got the serum by mistake?” I ask.

He frowns and stares at the picture again. “I doubt it was a mistake if it happened. What were you up to, Margo?” Raven mutters the last part to himself.

That’s the million dollar question, isn’t it? Too bad we can’t ask her, because she’s dead. The same people who employed her to make the serum murdered my mom. She thought she was curing cancer, but she was creating super soldiers.

“What’s our next move?” I ask.

He’s quiet for a long moment. After working with him for years, I know patience is key.

“Set up surveillance for Olivia and John. I’ll check out their dad.”

“Olivia too? Females can’t be agents.” I raise an eyebrow.

“If there’s one thing we know about your mother, it’s that she was full of surprises.”

I smirk and turn to the computer in front of me. My mother was a genius. Her IQ was higher than Einstein’s. I trust whatever she did; it was for the best, even if we don’t understand it.

I try to ignore the sharp pain that stabs my chest when I think of my mom. She was everything to me, and Infinitum killed her.

Raven brought me into this silent war after mom died, and he’s my greatest ally in getting this done right so that Infinitum can’t take anything from anyone else ever again.

I start on my task, smirking at the idea of having a female agent join our small team. My mom’s surprises continue to pop up years after her death. Fuck, I miss her.

I clear my mind and get to work.
