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John stands and I do the same. He towers over me and I try to remember that he likes me. At least he did.

“I trust we have the same priority here," he says.

“I give you my word I will do everything in my power to ensure her safety.”

His huge hand lands on my shoulder in a firm grip. “The only reason I haven’t thrown her over my shoulder and locked her in my house is because I know you’ll put her first. Please don’t prove me wrong.”

His grip tightens, and I nod. He returns the gesture and we join everyone at the table. Brando and Jackson raise an eyebrow to make sure I’m ok after a one-on-one with her mountain of a brother. I nod, and they return their attention to Mark.

An hour later we’re downstairs, a few feet away from John who’s waiting in his police cruiser for Liv. She’ll be staying with him while Scotty is around. I could tell she wanted to argue, but both John and I were adamant. Scotty wouldn’t get within a mile of a cop’s house. I hold her in my arms for a few minutes before I kiss her goodbye. I’m nervous that she’s only putting on a brave face. What if she wakes up tomorrow and changes her mind? I know we’ve only known each other for a short time, but if she ends it, I’ll be devastated.

The hours tick on as I stare at the ceiling and try to fall asleep. My mind returns to Vegas all those years ago. When I woke up that morning, I was panicking. I ran around the suite, looking for my phone. My dad answered on the third try, and I could breathe again. I didn’t relax until he showed up ten minutes later in jeans, a t-shirt and ball cap and I hugged him in an iron grip as I sobbed like a child. Brando and Jackson witnessed the whole thing, but never questioned me about it or used it to harass me.

Even though I later told them, at the time they weren’t aware that the last time I lost control, I lost my mom. I was terrified that I’d done it again and my dad had died this time. My dad knew though, so he let me hug him and squeezed me back until I could breathe easy again. If only I’d known I would only have another four years with him. But the timing didn’t matter. I wasn’t there when he needed me. And I wasn’t there for my mom. They both paid the price.

Now, with Liv in my life, I vow to protect her. I don’t know what I did to deserve her, but nothing, not even the threat of Scotty, will keep me from making sure she’s kept safe and happy. I’ll always be there for her, no matter what.

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