Page 8 of Something Borrowed

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“Men?” No men call me Teddy Bear. Just the people in my family.

“Your sister’s fiancé.”

I start laughing but he’s serious. “Reef, Ford’s lived with our family for years. He’s like a brother. No one else but ‘family’ calls me Teddy Bear.”

He doesn’t look convinced, but he doesn’t look as pissed either. “I guess that’s alright. After all, you thought I was ‘with’ your sister. I guess we both have some miscommunications going on.“

Worry starts to cloud my mind. Was last night…? Was I…alright? Did I do something embarrassing that I will never be able to live down? I realize he came to find me when he realized I wasn’t in bed with him but is that just because he’s a really decent guy or because of some other reason? Could he possibly feel for me what I’m afraid to feel for him?

“Um, about last night…,” Way to build-up to the conversation, Teddy. What do I even say to him about last night? “Was I…okay?”

He looks like he’s completely lost, like I started speaking a whole different language. Oh God! “Was I that bad that you don’t want to talk about it today?”

Realization dawns on him and a slow sexy grin spreads across his face. “What do you think we might have done last night, Teddy?”

Oh shit! The last thing I want to do is put words to what happened, which is pretty fucking ironic since I’m a writer.

“Um, didn’t we… sleep together?”

“Yes, Teddy, we did.” He doesn’t lose that mischievous grin. He leans closer to me so that our bodies brush against one another. “And that’s all we did.”

“You mean…we didn’t…,” Did I read him wrong? Does he not want to be with me like that?

“You were drunk, baby. What kind of son of a bitch would I have been to try to have sex with you while you couldn’t tell me yes or no for sure?” Oh my god, I think I just fell in love with him more. “Besides Teddy, when we make love you’ll definitely be able to tell the next day that we were together.”

“I will?”

He gives me an even bigger smile, “Oh yeah, baby. I’m thinking you’re going to have trouble sitting for two, three days minimum once I pop that cherry.”

Oh! My! Fucking! God!

“T…two or three days?” Not to even unpack the whole thing about him clearly knowing I’m a virgin.

“Teddy? Is that you out there?” I jump at the sound of my mother’s voice. Could I look any guiltier?

“Yeah, mom, it’s me.”

“Are you coming to the rehearsal? You only have twenty minutes to get to the church.”

“I’ll get her there, Mrs. James.”

“Oh Reef. I didn’t know it was you out there with her. Thank you, darlin’ for keeping our Teddy company.”

I can totally feel my cheeks pinken at my mom’s words.

“Oh the pleasure was entirely all mine, Mrs. James.”

“Call me Tilly, honey. Everyone does. And thank you for getting her to the church on time. Sometimes she drifts off when we talk to her and she has a tendency to wind up late getting to places.”

It’s a writer thing. “I don’t, um, pay attention when I’m writing. Drives my family nuts.”

“Don’t worry Teddy. I’ll make sure both of us get to the church right on time.”

Now that sounds like a loaded statement if my writer’s heart has ever heard one. I can’t help but smile with him when he’s looking so mischievous and fun. I can see myself getting lost in him just as easily as I do my writing…and that scares the hell out of me.

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