Page 26 of Our Turn

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“GEO.” HIS NAME TUMBLES from my lips as he moves his hands under my arms and lifts me up and onto him like I’m a feather.

It’s hard to breathe, and the heat between us multiplies. The sheer power that he has should frighten me, but it makes me feel safe. As though he will only use it to protect me, never to hurt me.

His dark suit makes him even more intimidating, but the way the white cuffs of his shirt rimmed the dark sleeves while we ate dinner, exposing the hint of dark hair on his arms, was as sexy as anything I’ve seen before.

“I’m going to take you, Nicci. You know what that means, right?” He begins to walk us down a long empty hall, and my heart races and my belly flips and flutters. “Since the first day I saw you on the bus, you were mine. I’ve watched you. I knew there would be no one else for me but you. I waited, but I’m done waiting.”

I gulp and try to swallow the lump in my throat as he takes me inside a massive bedroom. It’s fully decorated, unlike the majority of the house I’ve seen so far. There are floor to ceiling windows along one side, overlooking a shimmering pool and gardens that look like they belong at a palace. Orderly, groomed and controlled. Just like Geo.

But I feel that control snapping and it’s because of me. The thought has me dizzy, the power I didn’t know I had over a man like him is making me feel drunk.

His eyes look wild like he’s restraining something deeply violent and primal, keeping it buried within, but I can sense it clawing its way out, unsure if I want to flee or throw myself against him. His scent is manly, lusty and as it hits my nostrils, I realize just how much I want him.

He presses his lips to mine as he kicks the door shut and my nipples pebble, wetness drenching my bare sex.

“I’ve wanted this,” I manage, my voice shaking at the honesty. “You. I’ve wanted you. So much. I’ve never felt anything like this before I met you.”

“Good,” he growls. “You’re going to be mine. Say you want to be mine, Precious. I need to hear it.”

He holds me tighter to his body, my hands moving to the coarse hair covering his jaw and a shiver radiates through me.

I want to answer, but the words bank in my throat.

He rests his forehead against mine. For such a brutal looking man, the sweet kindness he radiates toward me has me melting.

His voice is a whisper when he insists, “Say it, Nicci.”

His arms wrap completely around me, making me feel as though I am an extension of his body, that I am no longer just me, that we are becoming part of each other.

I swallow hard. “I want to be yours. Please, make me yours.”

“I’m going to. In my bed. In our bed. I want to do this right. You are precious to me, and I’m going to show you just what that means.”

Inside the room, he whirls around, spinning us and approaching the mammoth bed centered on the wall opposite the windows. When we are next to the bed, he lowers one hand and sweeps back the chocolate brown velvet comforter, exposing the crisp white sheets beneath.

“I want your bare skin on these white sheets. I’ve changed them every day since I met you, wishing I could have you here. I’ve been planning for us for so long.”

He lifts me up and off of him, placing my feet on the edge of the bed, so I’m standing in front of him. Even standing on the bed, I’m only a slight bit taller than him, and I rest my hands on his broad shoulders.

“Do you like this dress?” He rumbles as his hands come to the neckline, his fingers gripping the thin fabric.

“Yes.” I look down, then at the passion in his eyes. “I actually do.”

He swallows, and I sense the effort to maintain his control, to be able to speak. “Fine. Then I won’t rip it off of you like I want to, but it’s coming off.”

His hands work the belt, and in a few seconds, he’s got it open as he drags it down off my shoulders, exposing me to him. A rumble tears from his throat and his eyes darken. He reaches around and works the clasp of my bra, and a moment later that is gone as well.

Next, he silently removes my shoes, and I’m standing naked in front of him.

“Fuck, baby.” He eyes me up and down, rough fingertips gliding from my shoulders, down my sides to my hips, making me shiver and turning my nipples to tiny rocks.

His hands slide upward again, this time to the back of my head and into my hair. His fingers tangle there and tug until my head is pulled back and it makes me whimper with desire.

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