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Chapter Twenty-eight


Iswamoutinto the ocean as the sun set that night. Con’s ex-wife had time off and wanted to see all the kids, so she’d taken them. The night off should’ve felt nice, but my nerves were still shot. I hadn’t been able to eat dinner, I was so upset. Maybe even more upset than I was angry. It sucked to hear someone parrot the dangerous little thoughts from your head. Obviously, I knew Stacy was off her rocker, but it didn’t make the sting of hearing the names she’d called me any less hurtful. And if I took her threats even remotely seriously? I’d be more than a little worried.

I didn’t know what it was, but I suddenly desperately missed my father. Even more than normal. I floated on my back and stared up at the dark blue sky, wondering what he would think if he could see me. The answer came swift and sure, but it was hard to believe it wasn’t my own mind wishing for the best. But, I knew. Dad had been the most easy-going man. He’d never cared what I’d done, as long as I was happy. I could almost hear his voice, telling me how he’d move the earth to see a smile on my face, but it’d be better if I could do it myself.

I laughed to myself, thinking of my dad sitting outside on nights just like that one, hiding the fact that he was smoking from Mom. She always knew, of course. It was hard to hide that earthy smell. Some nights I would sit next to him and wonder how he saw the night sky. He was so different from me. He never got angry, never raised his voice. I had this idea that maybe he just saw colors in a cooler tone than me.

My heart broke the day he died. Life felt like it couldn’t go forward. I worried that I would spend my life trapped just where I was in that moment. Yet, there I was, living my life. I was enjoying myself and having fun. I was indulging myself in a way I hadn’t done in over a decade. Letting go of some of my bitterness and feeling things again.

Maybe part of me believed the names Stacy was calling me. Maybe that was why it hurt so much. Thinking of Dad, though, and knowing that he wouldn’t bat an eye about what I was doing, as long as I was happy, challenged those thoughts. If my own father would love and support me, I had to love and support myself. As silly as it seemed, thinking that way made me feel better. No less angry that I couldn’t punch Stacy, but less ashamed.

“You know, there are sharks out there, right?” Zeke’s voice broke through my thoughts, and his laugh was another soothing balm to my bruised ego.

“You’re an idiot.”

“Do you want me to come in to save you? I will. I watched Baywatch. I know how being saved can be sexy.” He raised his voice even more, probably letting the entire city know what he was saying. “Should I strip and run, or run and then strip?”

I swam closer to the shore and sighed. “Fine. I’m coming out. Not that I think you’re actually worried about a shark eating me.”

“Excuse you. I will always be worried about a shark coming up and taking a bite out of your sweet ass. Especially since that’s my job.” He grabbed me around the waist as soon as I stepped onto the beach and slapped my ass. “I would still like you, but I would mourn the loss of this ass.”

I grinned up at him and rolled my eyes. “I repeat. You’re an idiot.”

“Want to come in? I’ve got something for you.”

I nodded. “A gift?”

“It’s alarming how much you love gifts. I’m starting to worry that you don’t actually want me for my amazing hair and chef skills. Is it just about the gifts and the dick, Autumn? Is that all I am to you?”

I shoved him away and laughed. “It’s all about the gifts. I’d like a return on the dick.”

Gasping, he glared at me and then grabbed me and tossed me over his shoulder. Slapping my ass, he carried me into the house and down to the informal living room. “Boys, I have a mouthy little spitfire here who just may need an attitude adjustment.”

I moved around to see that Con and Griff were stretched out along the couches, watching. I wiggled to get free, but Zeke just circled the room again, still spanking me. It was so ridiculous that I couldn’t help but laugh. “Put me down, you big jerk!”

Finally, he dropped onto the couch between his brothers and caught my hands in his before I could smack him. “You want another spanking? Play nice.”

“I’m going to castrate you as soon as I get free. You know that, right?”

Griff pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me. “You’re wet.”

I wiggled into his lap and settled in. “I was swimming.”

“With sharks.” Zeke shook his head. “She’s nuts.”

Con hit his brother and then looked me over. “Cold?”

I looked down at where my bikini top was doing nothing to hide my hard nipples. Crossing my arms over them, I forced a nod. His smile let me know he read through my lie.

“Can we talk?”

I rested my head on Griff’s shoulder and looked up at him. “Sure.”

“Are you okay?”

I sighed and looked away. “Getting there.”

Con sighed. “It shouldn’t have happened. You didn’t deserve that.”

“You’re damn right it shouldn’t have happened.” Griff’s arm tightened around me as he grumbled. “Stacy managed to lure in one of the guards. He thought it wouldn’t be an issue to let her in every so often.”

“What happened to him?”

“He’ll never work in security again.”

I thought about it. “Good. She could’ve really hurt the kids. I know that she’s their mom, but she’s toxic to them. I don’t even want to think about how much damage she could do to them if she had them all to herself for an extended amount of time.”

“I won’t let it happen. Security has been tightened, and everyone is aware of what will happen if Stacy gets back into this house.” Griff leaned down and pressed a kiss to my forehead. “I filed a report with the police. I need everything on paper when I go back to court. And if she tries anything with you, Autumn, I’ll handle it.”

Zeke pulled my feet into his lap and dusted the sand off of them. “We won’t let anything happen to you.”

Con held my gaze and nodded. “We’ll protect you. No matter what.”

I blinked back tears and smiled. “Thank you. I’m fine, though.”

Griff growled low in his chest, the vibrations rolling through my back. “You’re going to let us comfort you.”

“You can’t force someone to accept your comfort. You’re not used to this type of stuff, are you?”

Zeke massaged my feet and laughed. “He’s kind of like watching a bear try to pet a human.”

“That’s good. Accurate, too.” Con chuckled. “He’s also not very good at sharing.”

“No, I’m not. How could I be?” Stroking his hand down my arm, he caught my hand in his and held it. “I’m being selfish, though.”

I turned into him and kissed him. I meant it as a light kiss, but it turned into something heated almost instantly. Griff gripped the back of my head and smiled against my mouth before stroking his tongue over my lips. I kissed him deeper, sucking on his tongue before biting his lip and pulling away.

Con easily pulled me off of Griff and into his arms. Settling back in his spot on the couch with me straddling him, he pointed at both of his brothers and growled. “You two need to learn patience. God knows I’ve waited long enough.”

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