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I’ve come so many times I’ve lost count and yet he still hasn’t. I want him to though. I want him to feel as good as I feel.

“Wait,” I tell him.

He stops moving and looks at me with concern. “Did I hurt you?” he asks.

“Not even close. You’ve made me feel incredible, actually.”

I push him down onto the bed. His smile practically knocks me over. I climb onto of him, staring into his eyes the entire time as I lower my pussy onto his raging cock, letting it sink deep into the swollen depths.

I ride him slowly and deeply. Everything about this moment is so perfect. He starts to make sounds. Sounds that he wasn’t making before. Deep, guttural, animalistic sounds. The faster I ride him, the more urgent the sounds become. He continues to look into my eyes the entire time and I see a war of emotions playing out in them: lust, pleasure, maybe even a little fear, and is that … love?

He grabs my hips and starts pushing deeper into me. He lets out a loud groan and comes at the same time that I do. Our juices spill out of me and onto his lap, making an even bigger mess than before.

I collapse onto his chest, out of breath and feeling amazing. My body is spent. I don’t have an ounce of energy left in me. We’re both sweaty and sticky, but I don’t care. I love the feeling of our chests pressed together. He rubs my back and kisses the side of my cheek.

“How was that for a first time?” he asks.

I laugh. “I think anything we do after this is going to have to be epic if you want to beat that.”

“So it was good enough to want a second time?”

I sit up so I can look into his eyes. He rubs the side of my face with the back of his hand. “It was so good I want a second, third, fourth, fifth …”

I keep counting until he laughs and spanks me on the ass.

He looks at me, all the humor gone. He’s looking at me with those eyes again, the ones that look mysteriously like love. “Being with you has been one of the most incredible experiences of my life. No one’s ever made me feel the way you do,” he says.

“I feel the same way,” I tell him.

I’m feeling suddenly emotional, but I don’t know why. I’m just so happy. I always thought the term “making love” was so cheesy and old school, but now it all makes sense. When Ben and I came together, it wasn’t just sex. We made love.

* * *

Ben leaves to run on a mysterious mission. While he’s gone, I lay in a beam of sunlight coming through the cabin window and bask in the glow of the most incredible sensations I’ve ever felt. I’ve always heard girls talk about their first times as if it were something they’d been anticipating their whole lives but were ultimately disappointed. If everyone’s first time was the same as mine, no one would stay a virgin. I’m so glad I didn’t waste my time losing my virginity to some random young guy in town. I would probably be disappointed and think of sex as something more of a chore than something to look forward to. But with Ben it was more than just a physical feeling I enjoyed. It was emotional and magical. It was everything I could’ve hoped for and more. I really think I’m falling for him. And I have a feeling he’s falling for me too. I’ve had guys look at me with lust before. It’s different with Ben.

I get dressed, afraid someone other than Ben will come home early and see me laying naked in a bed with the sheets tossed and the pillows thrown across the room. Clearly more than a nap took place here. I hurry to make the bed and hide all evidence of our encounter.

I hear the door downstairs open and close, and footsteps coming up the stairs. My heart gives a little flutter when Ben walks in. I wonder if my body will always react that way when seeing him.

He has a grocery bag and pulls out a tub of Rocky Road ice cream and two spoons. Sitting on the side of the bed next to me, he hands me a spoon and opens the lid to the tub.

“You remembered Rocky Road is my favorite,” I say.

He smiles. “I remember everything about you.”

He always knows the right things to say to me to make me feel special. But there’s something in the way he watches me take a spoon full of ice cream that makes me think that he has more to say but is hesitating.

“What is it?” I ask, afraid that he’s feeling regret over what we did.

“Is that really what you wanted?” he asks. I know he’s not talking about the ice cream.

I stare at him as if he’s lost his mind. “Are you kidding me?” I say, and playfully swipe his nose with a dollop of chocolate ice cream. “That was better than I could’ve imagined. Amazing sex and then Rocky Road after? There’s only one thing that would make it absolutely perfect.”

He takes his spoon and dips it into the ice cream and I’m relieved to see him looking more comfortable now that he knows I don’t regret anything. “What’s that?”

“If this day will never end.”

He takes a spoon full of ice cream and feeds it to me. “We’ll have plenty more days like this.

My heart leaps at the promise that there will be more amazing experiences with Ben.

* * *

That night, after everyone gets home from their hike, they change clothes and head into town. There’s a big dance at the lodge and Tulip and Annie are anticipating all the cute guys in town on vacation will be there. They beg me to go, but I point to my ankle and tell them my dancing days are on hold for now. They eventually relent.

Everyone leaves. But Ben stays. My heart lifts because I was hoping he would stay. When everyone’s gone he asks, “How’s the ankle?”

“Good as new.” I put all my weight on it and spin around to show him.

He smiles in a conspiratorial way because he knew I lied to my friends and family just so I could spend more time alone with him.

“There’s more ice cream in the freezer if you’re interested,” he says.

“That sounds good to me. We could eat it together under the stars.”

He smiles and wraps me in a hug. I love the feeling of being engulfed in his strong arms.

We grab the ice cream and spoons and head out to the dock. The moon is barely a sliver in the sky, so it’s mostly dark out. The stars are brilliant and fill the sky as far as the eye can see. Without the city lights to dim them, it seems there are more stars than ever before. Frogs croak a funny song, answering to each other as if in conversation. Fireflies light up randomly around us. The night feels like a dream. Even more so now that I’m lying next to Ben on the dock. He holds my hand and it feels like the most natural thing in the world for us to be here together like this.

Everything is so perfect right now. I wish it could stay this way forever, but I know it can’t. Especially not here at the lake since my parents plan to sell the cabin after the summer is over. My dad says it’s because we don’t use it as much as we used to, but I know he needs the money to pay for college. I suggested I attend a smaller school closer to home, but he rejected that option right away. I just wish I didn’t have to give up this beautiful place with so many fond memories in order to secure my future at a good school.

“I’m going to miss this place,” I tell Ben.

“We have all summer to be here. And more summers after that,” he says.

“Didn’t my dad tell you? After this summer he’s putting the cabin on the market.”

Ben sits up on his elbows and looks at me, seeming confused. “What are you talking about? He never said anything about it to me.”

“I guess he didn’t want to ruin your summer. Since you don’t have your own cabin to yourself anymore, my parents didn’t think we’d have many more opportunities to come out here for the families be together like they used to.”

He lays back down with a sigh. “They’re probably right. With the way my ex is behaving, I’m sure we’ll be in court again over it soon.”

“I’m really going to miss this place. There are so many good memories here. And now my best memory …”

I look over and see him smile in the glow of the fireflies hovering above his head. He takes me by the hand and brushes his thumb against my skin. His eyes shine even in the darkness. Sitting up, he leans over and kisses me. His tongue tastes like chocolate and marshmallows, sweet and inviting.

When we part, words I hadn’t meant to say tumble off my lips. “I think I’m falling for you,” I tell him. And then I feel my stomach clinch with fear and nervousness. Was that too much too soon? Maybe I shouldn’t have said that.

But then he takes my face in his hands and looks me deep in the eyes and says, “I’m falling for you too. But this situation is …”

I cut him off. “I know.”

I don’t want to think about that. I know what Ben and I have together right now will eventually have to end, but right now I just want to hold onto it for as long as I can.

He gathers me closer to him and kisses my forehead. I can tell he’s as sad about the thought of us coming to an end just as much as I am.

His lips find mine in the darkness, his teeth gripping onto my bottom lip, then my tongue, and we’re kissing passionately. His kisses continue to my neck and ear lobe.

“You’re so sexy in these little bikinis of yours,” he says. He undoes the side ties on both sides of the bikini bottoms. There’s no longer anything keeping them on my body. “And you’re even sexier without them.”

I giggle as he nibbles on my ear lobe, and fumble in the sticky darkness to find the drawstring of his shorts. Once I’ve loosened them, I pull them down, releasing his massive cock. The anticipation of having him inside me again is almost unbearable. I want him to fuck me until I can’t see straight, but I know if we dive right into it, neither of us will last long. I want this night with him to linger as long as possible before our families get back from the dance. Luckily we still have hours to go.

I touch the warm, rippling skin of his muscles. Pure masculinity under my palms.

I roll on top of him. Taking his cock in both hands. Even with my hands wrapped around him, fists stacked, the head still pokes out. My tongue licks at the drops of pre-cum on the head, then I slowly swallow him down, letting him sink into my throat. I don’t gag this time and I remember to breathe the way he told me. We stare into each other’s eyes as I suck his cock. The taste, the feeling of him inside my mouth is such a rush. And the look of ecstasy on his face drives me wild.

After maybe a minute, Ben pulls out of my mouth suddenly and I stare at him, surprised. He chuckles. “You’re getting far too good at that. I almost came in your mouth.”

I wrap my arms around him and grab his bare ass. “Would that be so bad?” I ask

“Not at all, but I want to do other things with you first.”

He moves the scrap of my bikini bottoms out of the way and spreads my legs to expose me. He puts his lips to my pulsing center and I moan when his tongue finds my clit. I grab the back of his head, my fingers tangled in his hair, and pull him closer to me. A flick of his tongue has me writhing and begging him not to stop. He opens me with his thumbs and his long, glorious tongue dives deep into me, snake-like, wriggling. It’s a sensation like nothing I’ve ever felt before. Everything with Ben is like nothing I’ve ever felt before. It’s so new and exciting and entirely addicting.

“You smell and taste so good. I could eat your pussy for hours,” he says and goes back in for more.

His fingers plunge into me, and with his tongue working my clit and the layers of my folds, I explode into orgasm.

There’s no waiting, no calm before the next storm. Instead he’s turning me over so that I’m on my hands and knees. Luckily we brought a blanket and so it saves me from getting splinters in my knees from the dock. At this point I don’t think I would care. A few splinters are worth everything we’re going to do together.

He licks me from behind and the sensation is just as amazing as when he did it in the bedroom. Only this time he does something I was definitely not expecting. He licks my ass. My first instinct is to jump away from him, but he holds me still so I can’t move. It’s such a weird feeling, but the more I ease into it and get comfortable, the more I realize that it’s fucking fantastic. And the fact that he seems to be enjoying it just as much as I am takes all the stigma and weirdness away.

After he’s had his fill, he places the head of his cock to my pussy. I gasp as he penetrates me, sinking deeper and deeper until there’s no room left to go.

Fucking under the stars by the lake makes everything seem more intense. That fear of getting caught brings an extra bit of excitement to it too.

Ben bends and folds me like a piece of clay so that we wind up in every position possible. I like them all, but there are some I like more than others. He’s so in tune with the sounds I make and the way my body reacts, and so when he puts me into a position I like, he seems to know it and spends more time that way. But my favorite part is when he’s on top of me and my arms and legs are wrapped around him. He stares deep into my eyes while slowly moving inside of me. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be than exactly where I am now.
