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Freddie looks at me like I’m crazy. “Fuck no, I’m coming.”

I should order him to follow my instruction, but besides knowing he won’t, I also want the backup.

“Keep calling her phone.”

We get in the car, my heart hammering so hard at my feet that it’s vibration rattles through me. The dread blackens the world around me, exactly how I knew it would darken without her. Without my Fleur.

“Fleur’s okay.”

“She better fucking be.” Or this world will regret fucking with me.

I’m about to hang up when Arabella’s quiet voice fills the car, “Help.”

It’s all she says before she hangs up, and the silence deafens every part of me.

Chapter 49


Everything in me is telling me to try to run. Standing in front of Charles, the only thing I want to do is draw the gun and clock him with as many bullets as it holds. I can’t though—the minute they’re done with me, they’ll go for Arabella. There’s no way I can let that happen.

My feet root to the tiled floor. I refuse to move as Cameron stands beside Charles.

How could he betray Casper after everything he did for him?

With my breaths sawing through my lungs, the walls are spinning around me.

“Surprise, petite fleur,” Charles sings, acid lacing his tone.

Funny, I now recognise it for what it is—venom. Back when he used to talk to Mum like that, it always seemed like he was playing with her. Cajoling her from her dark thoughts. If only I knew then what I know now.

Famous last words.

“Surprise indicates something unexpected,” I tell him.

Counting my regular, shallow breaths, I retreat from him, one slow step at a time.

“I knew you’d be back. You’re just that fucking stupid.”

No sooner have the words left my mouth than I’m backing up into something hard. It’s not a wall because it’s warm, and walls don’t have arms that bind you. Not in real life anyway.


Completely overpowered and engulfed, I’m incapable of freeing myself. I kick and throw my head back, just like Casper taught me. Trying to find purchase on the man’s shins, I’m desperately trying to raise myself high enough to connect with his nose or mouth. Anything that may buy me a second or two to get the upper hand.

It’s futile though. I’m too short. When I try to kick back hard, raising my foot to connect with his gems, he sweeps my feet from under me with his. Without my hands prepared to break my fall, my nose bears the brunt of it with a crack.

Instantly, the metallic tang of blood fills my mouth. I know that if I don’t get back on my feet and put up some fight that this is it. I’m never going to see my baby again. I’m not going to hear my husband’s soft laugh that’s reserved only for me. Because Casper only graces me with his gentleness. And I won’t be able to make sure Arabella makes it out of here all right.

Get up! My voice roars in my head, and with it a fresh burst of energy runs through me. It’s not enough to get me on my feet completely, but I manage to get to my knees.

“Not so sure of yourself without your husband, are you, daughter?” Charles’ footsteps near along with his henchman’s. “Go find the other one. If she’s too much trouble, get rid of her.”

Cameron nods before following orders, looking away as my stare stalks him out of the kitchen.

“Nobody likes to be betrayed. Do they, Fleur?” Charles asks, circling me. “My daughter betrayed me just like my wife.”

Swallowing down the bitter, poisonous words that swell in my mouth, I take a deep breath. It kills me to hear him talk of Mum, but she’s gone. His words can’t hurt her anymore.

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