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“Yeah, keep dreaming, nerd.”

Violet let them talk, watching the ease between them. Casey and Daisy always had a bond she couldn’t touch, like regular siblings. They fought and teased and drove her crazy sometimes with their antics, but they loved each other.

Finally, Casey turned those green-gold eyes on her and swallowed. His gaze shifted to and away from hers several times before he finally whispered, “I’m sorry.”

Violet didn’t even care what for. Before he could say more, she wrapped him up in her arms, holding him close and ignoring his stiff shoulders.

“It’s okay.”

Slowly, Casey’s arms wrapped around her waist and he relaxed against her. “No, it’s not. I was blaming you for things that weren’t your fault.”

“I don’t care, honestly. If it helps to place the blame on me—”

“No, Dean was right. I have to put the blame where it belongs.”

Violet pulled back, staring down into his face searchingly. “Dean said that?”

“Yeah. He’s a good guy, once you get past all that alpha-male soldier-boy stuff. He’s not a total tool, if you were wondering.”

“Are you trying to tell me something?” Violet asked.

“I’m just saying that if you like him, I wouldn’t have a problem with you two hooking up.”

Daisy burst into hysterical laughter, while Violet could feel her cheeks burning. “As glad as I am that you like Dean, there’s something important I have to tell you.”

Casey’s expression turned guarded as he let Violet lead him over to sit down. “What’s going on?”

“Our sperm donor popped up again,” Daisy said.

“Daisy, damn it!”

“What? All I did was rip the Band-Aid off instead of treating him with kid gloves. He can handle it.”

Violet wasn’t so sure as she studied Casey’s pale face and wide eyes. “Dad’s back?’

“Yes. I saw him yesterday. He came by the house—”

“What did he want? Did he ask to see me?” Casey seemed to have gotten over his shock and was now buzzing with excitement.

“Yes, he mentioned wanting to get to know you, all of us again. He says he’s been clean for a year in a half—”

“Ha.” Daisy’s sarcastic bark earned a cold glare from Violet.

“—and he wants to try to mend fences. What do you think?” Violet asked.

“We should at least give him a chance, right? You’re always talking about love and second chances.”

Except that Violet was pretty sure they were well over two chances, and she couldn’t imagine what would happen if her dad fucked up again. Actually she could. It would end up just like before, with her picking up the pieces.

“If that’s what you want, I can get in touch with him, but I’m concerned about you getting hurt.”

A shadow crossed Casey’s face, and he snapped, “I’ve already been hurt.”

Daisy sprang to her defense with a snarl that sounded like it had come from an angry terrier. “Hey, she’s just looking out for you, so stop biting her head off.”

Casey’s eyes closed for half a second and opened, meeting Violet’s. “I’m sorry. I’m working on some anger issues.”

“That’s okay, honey, I get it. You have a lot going on with you.”
